This Math Teacher is BLASTED for Kicking 2 Students out wearing MAGA Shirts!!

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Current Events » This Math Teacher is BLASTED for Kicking 2 Students out wearing MAGA Shirts!!
Do you think Trump has "Made America Great Again"?

River Ridge High School Teacher Lyn Orletsky is slammed for kicking 2 students out of her class because they were wearing t-shirts with Trump's "Make America Great Again"

The math teacher told the kids that his campaign slogan was not welcome in her classroom and was recorded on camera stating "Just like you cannot wear a swastika to school, you cannot wear Make America Great Again like that"

Barbara Jacoby said that the teacher was "wrong" to have made those ocmments and said "Her actions were wrong, as the Make America Great Again shirts worn by students are not a violation of our school district dress code. The teacher additionially, and inappropriately, shared her personal opinion about the campaign slogan during class"

The principal apologized to students and families but that it couldn't comment disciplinary action against the teacher and said the students would not be punished.

Lyn has been attacked on social media and online since the footage and now has several poor ratings on her ratemyteachers profile page.

Do you think Trump has "Made America Great Again"? let's see what people will vote

Lyn -

School -

Ratings -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
i can't believe duckbear hasn't broken character in literally over a decade
Trump has objectively made America worse.
When a girl has sex with a bunch of guys, they call her a slut, but when a guy does it, they call him gay. ~ Antifar
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If a teacher can kick students out for wearing a make America great again shirt than no Trump has not made America great.
Trump may be incompetent and making America the exact opposite of "great again", but the MAGA slogan by itself isn't offensive enough (yet) to throw kids out of class simply for wearing it. Unless those students were visibly and blatantly trolling other students with it, the teacher went too far in this case.
"Someday I too will fly... and find you again!"
Calwings posted...
Trump may be incompetent and making America the exact opposite of "great again", but the MAGA slogan by itself isn't offensive enough (yet) to throw kids out of class simply for wearing it. Unless those students were visibly and blatantly trolling other students with it, the teacher went too far in this case.

To be fait the shirt is low key trolling.
Not saying the teacher was right but lets call it lime it is. Its not a secret that people from all sides of the aisle whether it be the left or the right hate Trump.
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KhlavicLanguage posted...
i can't believe duckbear hasn't broken character in literally over a decade

Wow, are you serious?
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Current Events » This Math Teacher is BLASTED for Kicking 2 Students out wearing MAGA Shirts!!