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Do you enjoy life more 10 years ago?

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Current Events » Do you enjoy life more 10 years ago?

2007 baby
I won't have to live in this false, sinful, lying, dying body.
2007 was the second worst year for me so I'd go with now. ~drawn by United_World
That's a tough one. I'm pretty damn happy right now but 2007 was my senior year of high school and it was mostly a fucking blast. But.. Guess I'll say I'm happier today than then because I've got my shit together and am pretty well off
"How come you can believe in God but not Bigfoot?" V-E-G-Y
Obviously. Honestly it's probably irrational to not simply off yourself the moment you graduate from college, as everything simply gets progressively worse after that.
Sick liaisons raise this monumental mark
The sun sets forever over Blackwater Park
No. Typical teenage angst with suicidal thoughts? Definitely not worth looking back. While I might have lost free time, my current income, positive mental state and girlfriend make it all up.
Hell no, 10 years ago I was angry, alone, bitter as fuck to not be getting anywhere, and not able to go places without family driving me.

If I could write a letter to myself in the past it would be to do whatever it took to get that driver's license. Beg for the Mc Donalds, Burger King, close by fast for job and then get into the job field I am now after 1 or 2 years flipping burgers.
"Always two there are, a master and an apprentice"
Hell fucking no. Way better now./
No time to freeze undercovers ease up in Grand Prix,
and seize packages and pocket the currency - GZA
10 years ago PlanetSide was at its peak

Now we have no PlanetSide

But anime is the best it has ever been so I'm conflicted
Well I remember 2007 for people in my school dying and my crush almost dying.
And now I am stuck in extremely weird place in my life trying unsuccessfully to get my shit together, so they both suck.
In the nightlight do you still feel your pain? For the valor you waited, never came
I was suicidally depressed ten years ago and now I'm not, so I'd say I'm enjoying it a lot more.
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."
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SGT_Conti posted...
I was suicidally depressed ten years ago and now I'm not, so I'd say I'm enjoying it a lot more.

similar to this.
i7-4790@ 3.6GHZ | GA-Z97-HD3 | ASUS GTX 960 2GB | Samsung 850 EVO 250GB | 1TB HDD | CX750M | 12GB DDR3
2007? Lol fuck that shit, grade 8 was torture.

Thank god my life now is pretty much a living television show.
"Cuz yung bucks be finnin n fruntin up a reap G know what it is"-Naysaspace
I was just about to start my first attempt at college ten years ago.

There are aspects of my life at that point that I prefer to now, but on the whole my life is way the fuck better now.
It's scientifically impossible for pants to feel "pain". ~ TheRealItachi
21 years old....

i'm making smarter decisions compared to when i was that age, didn't learn how to save money properly till the mid 20's.
Chapped ass sucks. Deliver me sweet release, Kaopectate-.Alucard188
My life is much better now. Nothing wrong with 2007 but a lot of the goals I had then have either come to fruition or will soon.
nu-horsemen 4evar
[A GameFAQs Moderator was deleted by this message]
Its better now. 10 years ago I was still in school
Fact: Nintendo is the best, there is no point denying it.
hell yeah wtf.

2007, still in high school. Most fun I've had in my life.

Now I'm just a boring adult working the daily grind with no ambitions or goals in life. A walking zombie.
About the same-some stuff is better, others worse so it all evens out.
Mod me? You don't even know me!
Yes, I miss my teenager rebellious years. Good old days. Went to so many concerts and parties. I basically lived life to the fullest.

WalkingLobsters posted...
Now I'm just a boring adult working the daily grind with no ambitions or goals in life. A walking zombie.
He just left. With Nuts!
I think I enjoyed life more 10 years ago, only because I could hang out with friends all the time. Now I have much fewer friends I do hang around with, but also don't have many opportunities to do hang out with them.

Wouldn't really say life 10 years ago was better even if I enjoyed it more.
A 17 year old turbo-virgin vs a 27 year old nurse who is about to move into his first house and is getting married next summer.

Yeah, I'd say I'm enjoying life more now.
Better job
Better physique
Better girlfriend

I would say so, yeah.
10x better now than 10 years ago easily.
How can one person post so much stupid s***?
No. I had less debt and other worries back then.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
10 years ago was the deepest pit of hell where my whole life started spiraling out of control.

Nowadays is still hell but at a shallower level, so I guess I'll say it's better now.
Link meets Fire Emblem in CYOA: Tales of Elibe! Come read, and find out what happens! Click below!
10 years ago was pretty bad. I was depressed, lonely, and suicidal, with no real plan in life. Now, I'm fit, pretty financially secure with a good job, and a great girlfriend. So, much better now.
Even if life was better now my brain chemistry feels such like I just can't care and enjoy things like I did when I was younger.

Hopefully this is just me and can be corrected.
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
10 years ago happened to be a pretty good year for me, but then I had 2 really shitty years right after that so I voted no.
I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister.
In 2007, I got in a car wreck that left me in a wheelchair for three months and destroyed my left leg so utterly that I have been, and will likely always be, in incredibly intense and near constant pain. I learned two things that night, that the Jaws Of Life are the loudest fucking things in existence, and that I will never wear a seat belt again.

I'd take any other moment in history over 2007.
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 931 ATK
omega cookie posted...
In 2007, I got in a car wreck that left me in a wheelchair for three months and destroyed my left leg so utterly that I have been, and will likely always be, in incredibly intense and near constant pain. I learned two things that night, that the Jaws Of Life are the loudest fucking things in existence, and that I will never wear a seat belt again.

I'd take any other moment in history over 2007.

God damn, sorry to hear that. Have you ever considered having your leg amputated or would that even get rid of the pain
He which make friends with scorpion, soon come to find out what a scorpion does - they bite people with its tail --ancient Chinese proverb
I wish I could go back
~snip (V)_(; ;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band!
You mean, did I enjoy life more 10 years ago? Yes, I think I can definitely say I did.
Giblet_Enjoyer posted...
omega cookie posted...
In 2007, I got in a car wreck that left me in a wheelchair for three months and destroyed my left leg so utterly that I have been, and will likely always be, in incredibly intense and near constant pain. I learned two things that night, that the Jaws Of Life are the loudest fucking things in existence, and that I will never wear a seat belt again.

I'd take any other moment in history over 2007.

God damn, sorry to hear that. Have you ever considered having your leg amputated or would that even get rid of the pain

I have full use of my leg, I even go running a couple times a week. I just have extreme muscular and skeletal pain every moment of the day. It honestly doesn't bother me too much anymore, as I've lived with the pain for so long that it's a normal thing to me now.

On the plus side, my tolerance for pain is extraordinary now. Last year I broke three bones in my hand and didn't know for almost a month when my doctor buddy saw my hand. I just thought I had a pretty bad bruise.
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 931 ATK
2007 was worse to me that 2017 is.
3DS FC: 4382 - 2449 - 5707 IGN: Anthony
Now, ten years ago we hadn't even gotten Bin Laden yet.
Semper Fi.
No, I mean it wasn't bad for me 10 years ago, but things today are better!
Drink up me hearties, yo ho
I actually got to live this past weekend like 10 years ago because my wife took the kids out of town and i can say that now is much better.
Mind post. XBL:Cyanide Sucker PSN:Paters1 IGN:SuperPattyCakes
joe40001 posted...
Even if life was better now my brain chemistry feels such like I just can't care and enjoy things like I did when I was younger.

same. life is better but I don't have the same joy I once had. seen too much in that time.
add me on steam: prejt2. "Oh my goodness. Freedom!"
I was overweight, neurotic, depressed and stuck in some redneck town.

Now I'm skinnier, more confident and live in NYC w/ my giant titted girlfriend.

Life. Is. Good.
Musical output:
I was 10, all I wanted was new video games and Yugioh cards but now looking back on the hundreds of cards lying on my bedroom floor and the PS4 and Xbox games are just accumulating dust...

Feels bad man :'(
Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card
No, high school was the worst time of my life
Proud fan of the worst team in American professional sports history: the Chicago Cubs.
I suppose so
I wonder if several users here like to type with big meaty claws. If not, they don't defend dumb choices like Pokemon Transporter or Nintendo charging for OLMP.
No, but I had potential back then!
Window_Starer posted...
I was 10, all I wanted was new video games and Yugioh cards but now looking back on the hundreds of cards lying on my bedroom floor and the PS4 and Xbox games are just accumulating dust...

Feels bad man :'(

That's sad as fuck. Why can't we just stay loving things like we do when we are young?
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
Culture was way better back then but now I have more money, hard decision tbqh
Better now, 10 years ago my wife and I were struggling just to get by in the SF Bay area. We left that area 9 years ago and now we are doing significantly better, even own our own home.
Current Events » Do you enjoy life more 10 years ago?
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