Rate Death Note (2017) out of 5

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Current Events » Rate Death Note (2017) out of 5
How much did you enjoy it?

I'm surprised at all the hate. Granted I'm not that invested in the series to begin with, but I knew going in it wasn't going to be the same as the japanese (2016) movie either in terms of look or feel.
3DS FC: 0087-2410-1340
about a 3. Not really what I was expecting but it was entertaining and I thought L and Ryuk were well done.

Honestly this more like a loose adaptation of the Japanese movies than of the anime or manga so thinking of it like that I enjoyed it. Plus Ryuk was great.
3DS FC: *Zoe* 0662-4233-5689
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SherIock_HoImes posted...

Honestly this more like a loose adaptation of the Japanese movies than of the anime or manga so thinking of it like that I enjoyed it. Plus Ryuk was great.

He only had like 5 minutes of screen time though. Been a decade since I kept up with deathnote though so I only loosely remember the ending episodes. Saw the 2006 movie actually made by the japanese though, and they normally do pretty well adopting anime to the live screen so I was satisfied.
3DS FC: 0087-2410-1340

oh shit,

this is about the movie. idk, i'm gonna watch it today, though
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GOATTHlEF posted...
Vandelay Industries Importing & Exporting
3 its pretty bad and I wont be watching it again but I got a laugh out of criticising it. Dafoe's performance was enough to justify watching it once too.
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Current Events » Rate Death Note (2017) out of 5