Do you know more RACISTS or HOMOPHOBES irl??

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Current Events » Do you know more RACISTS or HOMOPHOBES irl??
I know more...

let's see which hate group people know more of irl....
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There's honestly probably a decent amount of crossover since I live in the bumfuck miserable south, but I'm going to say racists
definitely homophobes.

i can't seem to meet a guy that isn't like NO HOMO all in my face, actually...and that is to put their comments i've observed kindly. Then again i live in Texas.
Nipple rubbing intensifies...
I don't know any that are openly homophobic or racist. Wouldn't be surprised if anyone turned out to be tho.
the real Irving Rameses
probably homophobic, since most people that I know are both of east African descent and Catholic.

I have one or two cousins that are lesbian, she they're not open to the family because of it.
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Inb4 either of the following responses:
I don't know any racists or homophobes... unless you're going by the SJW definition!!!

Only BLM/anti-white racists.
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Who am I to diss a brie?
Moms family makes both a tie tbh
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I don't associate with either. I surrounded myself with those who accept both gays and others of a different race. I lived a life of prejudice, you either accept me or you don't. I'm a good person, your loss if you can't accept me for my character
ultimate reaver posted...
There's honestly probably a decent amount of crossover since I live in the bumfuck miserable south, but I'm going to say racists

If you don't like it then leave.
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I think it's tied. The principle one being my uncle, who thinks legalizing homosexual marriage and the gay agenda is destroying traditional family, Islam should be outright banned in public and that the Muslims worked with Hitler, that slavery was a good thing because it educated the slaves, and that residential schools are a myth.
Probably about even. Not many of either and there's decent over lap of the ones I do know.
Give me your tired, your poor,Your masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed, to me.
Gafemage posted...
Inb4 either of the following responses:
I don't know any racists or homophobes... unless you're going by the SJW definition!!!

Only BLM/anti-white racists.

People can be racist towards any race
Allergic to bull****.
I suspect more homophobes thanks to my extended family. But they could also be racist, iunno. I don't keep contact with them.

The only one in my family whose unfavorable opinion matters to me is my dad, much as he likes to claim he doesn't hold that prejudice. He don't know I'm bi, and I'm not keen on the idea of saying something even though I know it'll happen eventually.
This is LinksLiege's signature. It is fantastic.
seen more racism toward whites than anything else

probably cause in school any racist remarks against blacks was harshly punished but anyone could make all the racist remarks about whites and not get into trouble.
dont know why I even have one of these
I have a cliched "racist uncle" type who says a lot of racist shit and a few really religious older people that I'm sure are homophobic.

I don't have any friends or anything who are either because I wouldn't willingly associate with someone who was either of those things.
"You need to lay off the peanut-butthurt and u-jelly sandwiches" - Neon Octopus
Kyurem-BW posted...
seen more racism toward whites than anything else

probably cause in school any racist remarks against blacks was harshly punished but anyone could make all the racist remarks about whites and not get into trouble.

What kind of racist remarks against white people? "White boy?" "cracker?" Oh gee I'm so offended.
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Rumor has it that CBS put his money on a train and he's having trouble following it - Tropicalwood
If I find out somebody is either, I drop them like a rock
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honestly they tend to go hand in hand, so it's hard to say. like 99% of the racists I know are homophobic too
Current Events » Do you know more RACISTS or HOMOPHOBES irl??