Did SJWism create the current "Nazi" regime?

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Current Events » Did SJWism create the current "Nazi" regime?
Did they

I don't know what's going on in the States but I hear it's not good. Both extremes are feuding big time. Something about Charlotte.

As a non American, can someone explain to me if the Alt Right "white supremacists" I hear about were created as a push back because SJW does seem to thrash white people alot?

Or is it something completely different?
A proud wrestling Smark, because we know better than you.
It obviously didn't "create" them, but it is part of what's making them so vocal.

Also, it's really not that big of a thing. News channels are blowing it up for ratings and CE is eating it up. Same as always.
White supremacism's roots in the US date back to the 1600s.
kin to all that throbs

However, personally you should never justify your bad beliefs/actions by saying the other side drove you to be that way and the consequences are ultimately their fault. You are the master of your fate.
The alt right is a response to the radical left, yeah.

Doesn't mean it's a good response
Post #6 was unavailable or deleted.
they called me a nazi so i had no choice but to become a nazi! this argument makes sense! i'm normal!!!!
make yo dollas
There's an increasing culture of extremes today. You can't have nuanced opinions like "social progressives are a bit heavy-handed in expressing their views, but the core of what they're saying is true". If someone doesn't agree with them entirely, they decide to take the opposite view to its logical extreme, because if racism is bad, that means the SJWs are right, and they can't allow the "other team" to "win".
Sick liaisons raise this monumental mark
The sun sets forever over Blackwater Park
the truth is in the middle!! both sides!!
make yo dollas
So what created SJWism? It's scapegoats all the way down
OP: "are victims responsible for literal Nazi scum trying to murder them?"

And there's people bound to say yes on this board
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What a ridiculously stupid question.
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Klewer posted...
the truth is in the middle!! both sides!!

See, this is the shit I'm talking about. Saying "it's possible to be right and express an opinion in a somewhat heavy-handed way" isn't saying "the truth is in the middle." Obviously the right is on the wrong side of history, as they've been for centuries. That doesn't mean the left wouldn't benefit from a little more diplomacy in how they present their ideas.
Sick liaisons raise this monumental mark
The sun sets forever over Blackwater Park
About as much as racism created SJWs.
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."
bevan306 posted...
So what created SJWism? It's scapegoats all the way down

This is a super-clever response and if I could I would +1 you for it.
Schwarber posted...
What a ridiculously stupid question.

There are posters here who blame Obama and BLM for these Neo Nazi's.
Kind Regards,
No, left extremists have not pushed otherwise normal people to right extremism. Those people have been there for hundreds of years.
The alt right is the logical result of the breakdown of democracy and the concentration of wealth. There is much in the alt right that goes back to the very beginnings of this country. It was suppressed for awhile, but now it's all starting to come back because 30 years of mostly bipartisan class warfare from wealthy elites can no longer be tolerated. But the alt right is a manipulation of those emotions, not a genuine response to them. You don't got security in your life, you feel it slipping away? Blame the illegals and the blacks. In the end that might give disaffected whites a sense of power, but it's not going to make them any richer. They'll still have no say in the big policy matters.
Darmik posted...
Schwarber posted...
What a ridiculously stupid question.

There are posters here who blame Obama and BLM for these Neo Nazi's.

TC trolls for Trump a lot, he likes to whine about SJWs often. Haven't seen him go this hard in a while. You're right though and it's quite sad.
wah_wah_wah posted...
The alt right is the logical result of the breakdown of democracy and the concentration of wealth. There is much in the alt right that goes back to the very beginnings of this country. It was suppressed for awhile, but now it's all starting to come back because 30 years of mostly bipartisan class warfare from wealthy elites can no longer be tolerated. But the alt right is a manipulation of those emotions, not a genuine response to them. You don't got security in your life, you feel it slipping away? Blame the illegals and the blacks. In the end that might give disaffected whites a sense of power, but it's not going to make them any richer. They'll still have no say in the big policy matters.

One of the better posts ITT
kin to all that throbs
Klewer posted...
they called me a nazi so i had no choice but to become a nazi! this argument makes sense! i'm normal!!!!
I am Kaname_Madoka
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Spooking posted...
bevan306 posted...
So what created SJWism? It's scapegoats all the way down

My theory is when there are no problems in the(ir) world people begin to create problems. That's also why I don't ever see a true utopia happening since people will create an invisible boogeyman to get offend by.

yeah there's definitely no problems in this country. everything was totally fine until the sjws started making up things to be offended by, which then magically started happening for real.
make yo dollas
Nope. Racists have always existed waaay before Trump was elected. This election just made them come out of their basements and go full force with riots.

Another pathetic attempt to blame Social Justice for nothing.
Vertania posted...
It obviously didn't "create" them, but it is part of what's making them so vocal.

Also, it's really not that big of a thing. News channels are blowing it up for ratings and CE is eating it up. Same as always.
"I can i i everything else," Bob reportedly said. Alice replied: "Balls have zero to me to me to me..." (Facebook AIs talking to each other)
Post #27 was unavailable or deleted.
No both are a symptoms of the bigger problem, a corrupt as fuck government.
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Post #29 was unavailable or deleted.
There has been neo nazis for a long time, they are just more vocal now and using SJWs as an excuse.

Nazis, neo nazis, sjws, all hate groups are bad and have been around in some form for a long time.
"Always two there are, a master and an apprentice"
I'm not going to blame SJWs for their racism, no
"Christians cannot be violent, the new testament is completely against it" - darkphoenix181
bretonftw posted...
I'm not going to blame SJWs for their racism, no

But maybe they are tired of SJWs racism? They are both shitty from what I see. But only one of them is socially acceptable.
A proud wrestling Smark, because we know better than you.
Spooking posted...
The alt-right is in retaliation to SJW/Regressive rhetoric about culture appropriation, wage gap, sexism in video games, mansplaining, white guilt, manspreading, ect... Do Nazis and the alt-right share some of the same interests and goals? Sure they do. Nazis are not the alt-right, however.

agreed. also neonazism and nazis are not the same thing (I dont like either btw, but people are using both interchangeably which isnt accurate.).
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No, they existed before SJWs were a thing, but died off around the 90's until they made a comeback in the 2010's. Trump and social media just happened to be great recruiting tools for them and allowed them to resurge and express their views in the public without disguising themselves first like they use to.
Awww, isn't that cute? He thinks he can beat me!
There have always been some KKK buffoons, but the rise of the disturbing corner of the right comes as a response to SJWs. If you use identity politics to isolate and brow beat a group, they will respond in kind. People respond to anti-white identity politics in different ways, and some choose to respond to hatred with hatred. It's a bad trend.
"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it." -Thomas Sowell
Klewer posted...
they called me a nazi so i had no choice but to become a nazi! this argument makes sense! i'm normal!!!!
When a girl has sex with a bunch of guys, they call her a slut, but when a guy does it, they call him gay. ~ Antifar
Post #38 was unavailable or deleted.
The SJW era wasn't that bad in retrospect compared to where we are now, it was actually kinda fun. I'm going to miss it

RIP 2012-2016
Doggy mask, Pig hat, Penguin backpack!
SGT_Conti posted...
About as much as racism created SJWs.

The influx of non-intellectuals into the college environment due to pressure from the economy created SJWs. In other words, weak minded people who otherwise would never have gone to college because they have no desire to seek knowledge, only to compulsively regurgitate information because that's what gave them success.
weapon_d00d816 posted...
The influx of non-intellectuals into the college environment due to pressure from the economy created SJWs. In other words, weak minded people who otherwise would never have gone to college because they have no desire to seek knowledge, only to compulsively regurgitate information because that's what gave them success.

No, I think you have it wrong.
CircleOfManias posted...
There's an increasing culture of extremes today. You can't have nuanced opinions like "social progressives are a bit heavy-handed in expressing their views, but the core of what they're saying is true". If someone doesn't agree with them entirely, they decide to take the opposite view to its logical extreme, because if racism is bad, that means the SJWs are right, and they can't allow the "other team" to "win".

gunplagirl posted...
OP: "are victims responsible for literal Nazi scum trying to murder them?"

And there's people bound to say yes on this board

Case in point.
SJWs have the MSM (other than Fox), Hollywood, and academia. There are double standards on what can get you fired, favoritism in college acceptance, and legal mandates that prevent hiring practices from following a strict meritocracy. SJWs have nearly all of the institutional power, so Neo nazis are a tiny and disturbing counter culture that is responding to racism with racism.

This doesn't remove personal responsibility from bad actors on the far right, but it's natural that an anti establishment movement would be a response to the establishment.
"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it." -Thomas Sowell
It definitely fueled it.

The leftist agenda has been 'fuck white people!' for a while now.
Blue Lives Matter
Yes it did.
Current Events » Did SJWism create the current "Nazi" regime?