Do you support the freedom of speech of neo-nazis?

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Current Events » Do you support the freedom of speech of neo-nazis?
Do you support the freedom of speech of neo-nazis?

This question relates ONLY to the freedom to speak/think and not any actions.
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
My brain says yes but my heart says no. :v
Yes just like I support the free speech of the equally awful communists and others with repugnant ideologies.
i will say yes,

but I admit i dislike when they start saying things like "hitler did nothing wrong" or "holocaust is a lie".
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Yes just like I support the freedom of speech of everyone else. Speech. Not actions.
A thousand eyes, and one.
Post #6 was unavailable or deleted.
Yes, even hate groups like Neo Nazis and BLM should have freedom of speech.
()_() Hardcore - We'll probably be modded for this...
They should have freedom of speech to say what they want.
And normal people with brains should have freedom of speech to insult them and their views.
When a girl has sex with a bunch of guys, they call her a slut, but when a guy does it, they call him gay. ~ Antifar
Yes, that's the whole point of free speech. I support free speech for them as well as communists or any ideology
The issue today is actions, though. Anyway, I support freedom of speech. I don't support respecting all speech. If someone is allowed to hold a Nazi rally, then others are free to counterprotest and negatively judge people who espouse Nazi rhetoric.
let them talk freely.
but have them take consequences for everything they said.
You have the right to remain silent, anything you post will be misquoted, then used against you.
They have the right to say what they want. Once it turns violent, it's inexcusable.
- The Admiral
Yes. Im biracial I just want people to say what they think so I know who to stay away from.
Not all women deserve chivalry
They should be free from government censorship. Private citizens and organizations, on the other hand... name and shame.
~Drewnami: The Drew abides.~
Gonads are useful for their purpose, but they are no substitute for brains. -Paul Harvey
Free speech for all, not just for your friends.
Admittingly yes, however it will not leave them immune to criticism or consequences if it becomes an act of violence.
"Someone give me some aspirin."
PSN: StickFigures1080
I don't give a shit about the concerns of Neo-Nazis.

It's not a no, it's that I feel like this question doesn't need to be asked. I don't SUPPORT Neo-Nazis like you do, joe.
If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.
Yes. Freedom of speech for all.
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Freedom of speech for them to be able to air their ideology, yes. But freedom of speech is not a licence to incite violence - that has consequences.
The Admiral posted...
They have the right to say what they want. Once it turns violent, it's inexcusable.
And as her clothes all tumbled 'round her, I could hear my heart
The moonlight shown upon her as she lay back in my bed
"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" - Biographer's summary of Voltaire's stance on free speech
I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister.
Speech, sure. Freedom from any consequences stemming from that (including having their identity disclosed if they air those views in public, like at a rally)? No.

One thing I'll take issue with though: the word "nurtured" in the second option. Speech is one thing, but nurturing goes beyond that. To me, it sort of implies that you can't challenge those views, try to prevent them from spreading (not by physically preventing speech, but by counter-protesting, disclosing their identity, even firing them if they tarnish a company's reputation for example, etc.).
Of course. Everyone has the freedom to think and say what they want, as long as it's within the bounds of the law. I might not like what they say, but it doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to say it.
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Of course I believe they have the right for free speech, but certain actions could very well be intimidation which I'm not okay with.
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Spooking posted...
Yes, I don't want our country to be like Germany.

You don't want America to be an actual GOOD country like Germany is right now?
"Well, it's not a bad game. It's made by Capcom, so how could it?" ~ AVGN
Bass_X0 posted...
Spooking posted...
Yes, I don't want our country to be like Germany.

You don't want America to be an actual GOOD country like Germany is right now?

You mean German-stan? Germany no longer exists bro.
how can germany be real if our maps aren't real
Sure, just let them speak their mind, so everyone knows who to avoid.
XboX GT/Steam/Wii-U - Nazanir
AmonAmarth posted...
i will say yes,

but I admit i dislike when they start saying things like "hitler did nothing wrong" or "holocaust is a lie".

It's not the speech itself you support, or even have to tolerate, but you can still appreciate that opposing and oftentimes archaic viewpoints exist and not ruin lives because of it.
They have the right to say something without the government chopping their dicks off for it, but frankly I think the world would be a better place if they didn't exist and I hope their rhetoric makes them unsafe. Fuck giving them platforms, their whole M/O is hurting people because they feel superior and entitled. They have the freedom to spout their bullshit without being silenced by the state, they have freedom of speech - and I'm just as free to say I want their speech to fuck itself in the butt and eat a turd, because fuck them. They are scum, and I hope their disgusting rhetoric is buried in the ground in the same way a steel-capped boot might become buried in their anus.

They have inalienable human rights, and I'm not down for taking that away from them as long as they don't aim to do the same to anyone else. You know, something the Nazis actually fucking did. But that doesn't mean I support anything they do. I hope their message dies, I hope they shrink and become scared, and I hope they shut the fuck up, because they are scum who don't deserve to have a voice. They have human rights, but fuck them all as people and fuck their message too.
And outside it's ninety-two degrees, and KROQ is playing Siouxsie and the Banshees.
Currently playing: Yakuza 4, Rayman Origins

I think the question is when does it turn from just speaking, to inciting hatred/harm though.
yes but then they should get battered
myzz7 posted...
Bass_X0 posted...
Spooking posted...
Yes, I don't want our country to be like Germany.

You don't want America to be an actual GOOD country like Germany is right now?

You mean German-stan? Germany no longer exists bro.

well if some american conservative nutjob says so i guess i don't live in germany anymore
Have any of them been identified and their work place notified about their employee's involvement?
"Average Joe" is a trolling term since it's completely an opinion. "Overachieving" is also an opinion. - SBAllen (Hellhole: 52458377)
I think they should be able to say what they like (barring threats and calls to violence, that is), and the government not arrest or punish them.

However that does not mean that private citizens have to stand for or tolerate their shit.
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
The23rdMagus posted...
They should be free from government censorship. Private citizens and organizations, on the other hand... name and shame.
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It's never a bad day, and always a good night, so BE HAPPY and enjoy your stay!
The only right a Nazi has is to remain silent.
Pokemon Moon FC: 1994-2190-5020
IGN: Vanessa
The Admiral posted...
They have the right to say what they want. Once it turns violent, it's inexcusable.
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I think there comes a point where the people can say such hateful and dangerous things they need to be told it isn't acceptable.
Nomadic View posted...
The Admiral posted...
They have the right to say what they want. Once it turns violent, it's inexcusable.

But what if what they are saying is trying to incite violence? It's only bad if they succeed?
People can say what they want.

And people can call out their bullshit all they want.
PSN: kazukifafner
Yes, and all consequences of it. Only the government isn't allowed to penalize you.
Jake Peralta: World's Grossest Pervert
No. Public displays of Nazi Propaganda should be punished by a fine from the government.
Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you.
Ricemills posted...
let them talk freely.
but have them take consequences for everything they said.
_.-=/Got Coolppl?\=-._
=-._\Got Coolppl?/_.-=
They should be able to say what they want, but it should end there obviously. The second things swing into intimidation and threats, that's when we need a crack down.
Gt: justaguy3492
Say what you want in public, just don't turn around and cry victim when your job decides they don't want you anymore because they saw you on the news spewing hate speech or rioting and looting, People shit on OWS,Femisist, BLM and Anifa shit when they make headlines doing dumb shit, why should the nazis get a pass?
I got nothing
Unfortunately Yes I do. Sending people to jail for saying hateful things is a dangerous exercise.
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groups should be treated the way their actions and rhetoric treat others. So the neo-nazis should be treated like subhuman garbage
Current Events » Do you support the freedom of speech of neo-nazis?
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