What is Health Insurance to you?

Current Events

Current Events » What is Health Insurance to you?
What is it more to you as?

What it- how it- be
"All I have is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for anyone!"-Tony Montana
It is something my tax dollars pay for and I have a government card.
Now, you gotta get more than just a fancy card from all of that
"All I have is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for anyone!"-Tony Montana
A miserable pile of secrets.
Official Aqua of the Kingdom Hearts 3 board.
It's more like this nebulous thing that allows me to access services that I otherwise couldn't than a real insurance against anything

I guess it helps with both though
He would make his mark, if not on this tree, then on that wall; if not with teeth and claws, then with penknife and razor.
Current Events » What is Health Insurance to you?