1 in 8 Trump Voters say they want an ELECTION DO-OVER!!

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Current Events » 1 in 8 Trump Voters say they want an ELECTION DO-OVER!!
Who would you vote if it were an election do-over?

1 in 8 Trump Voters say they REGRET voting for him and would not do so again after witnessing his 6 months of TORTURE according to Ipsos/Reuters poll!!

Most of the voters would vote for him again, 88% oft hose are the older, disaffected mostly white voters..but Trump won with the slimmest of marginse and need every last supporter behind him to push his agenda through a divided Congress or to win a second term in 2020

12% of the voters however said they would not vote for Trump again if the election were held again today as they said they want a DO-OVER and would even vote for HILLARY!!

Most presidents lose support among core supporters the longer they are in the white house as Obama saw his popularity dip among Dems and minority voters but that didn't happen until much later in his term and he won with greater margins than Trump did and was not reliant on retaining his core

The minority of trump voters who said they wouldn't vote for him again gave varying reasons such as some were tired of his TROLLING of democrats, the media and judiciary and were disappointed he has not swept illegal immigrants out of their communty and that he has not ended the mistrust and hyper partisanship in Washington

Beverly Guy, a 34 y/o Trump voter said "If i had to walk around wearing a t-shirt who i vote for, i may have voted differently. If the election were held today, i would vote for Gary Johnson"

She picked Trump because she didn't support Hillary but now finds herself rationalizing a decision that angered her friends

Brian Barnes said stands by his support for Trump and that the media is focusing too much on the Russia investigation and not enough on what Trump has done such as electing a GREAT CONSERVATIVE to the Supreme Court and hopes he nominates another by replacing a DEMOCRAT as he NEVER wants a Liberal to run the country again. Brian says he's disgusted with liberals pushing for change in marriage definition and multi-culturism which he says is the destruction of the American Dream!!

But the most important question is if these dissatisfied voters are in battleground states because he won only the smallest of margins in those states but voters in California wouldn't make a difference.

Who would you support in an election do-over? let's see what people will vote

Poll -


Trump Nuts -

call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Where's the option to vote for Jill?

just kidding, I'd vote for Gary again
Typical gameFAQers are "Complainers that always complain about those who complain about real legitimate complaints."-Joker_X
Bernie should be the nominee for the dems
Current Events » 1 in 8 Trump Voters say they want an ELECTION DO-OVER!!