This 21 y/o GIRL Drowned a RACCOON with her BARE HANDS!! Do you believe her??

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Current Events » This 21 y/o GIRL Drowned a RACCOON with her BARE HANDS!! Do you believe her??
Do you believe her story?

21 y/o Rachel Borch from Maine claimed a rabid raccoon attacked her while she was out jogging in the woods and that she had to DROWN the animal in a puddle with her BARE HANDS!!

She was out running on June 2nd in the woods and spotted a raccoon charging at her with its teeth bared and said she knew what it was going to do so she held out her hands to avoid getting bitten as it latched onto her thumb and scratched her arms and hands..

She said she noticed a puddle nearby in a swampy area and ran over with the animal still biting her thumb and forced its head into the puddle and drowned it!!

Rachel said "I didn't think i could strangle it with my bare hands..with my thumb in its mouth, i just pushed its head down into the muck. It was still struggling and clawing at my arms. It wouldn't let go of my thumb".

She held it underwater until it died as it fell to the side but its chest was still heaving slowly when she was able to pull it out

Rachel says she was hyperventilating as she ran home but remembers looking back to see if the raccoon was chasing her again

She said "If there hadn't been water on the ground, i don't know what i would have done. It really was just dumb luck. I've never killed an animal with my bare hands. I'm a vegetarian. it was self-defense"

She is now receiving rabies exposure at a hospital and has had 6 shots so far, including a rabies vaccine.

The said raccoon was not found where she supposedly drowned it..

Do you believe her story? let's see if people do

Rachel - \

Raccoon -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Rabid raccoon, you make it sound like she just drowned some random raccoon.
Why am I here?
lol @ racoon pic
but is she HOT?
lick 'em
Current Events » This 21 y/o GIRL Drowned a RACCOON with her BARE HANDS!! Do you believe her??