Favorite faction to play in Starcraft? >_>

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Current Events » Favorite faction to play in Starcraft? >_>
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Zerg is the most fun for me >_>
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Zerg is too complicated for me not gonna lie.
zerg tbqh
Zerg, by far. I've played the game for years and still suck compared to most people online but on fast maps I can run a fairly competent Zerg strategy.
I'm not good enough at RTS to play that kind of game. I can beat Civ V on deity no problem but I have to cheese Stronghold 2 by playing on the peninsula and building a wall on the landbridge
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Doe posted...
I'm not good enough at RTS to play that kind of game. I can beat Civ V on deity no problem but I have to cheese Stronghold 2 by playing on the peninsula and building a wall on the landbridge

That's because the Civ series is a digital board game and RTS games require faster reactions and mechanical knowledge.
For my play style, Terran > Zerg > Protoss
The poster formerly known as Kakarot181: July 2, 2002 - March 14, 2012.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
Protoss because ez
yeah yeah those punks are tough
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I've always liked Protoss
Zerg because I have won MP games with them but I do love Protoss because they are cool.

Humans are just boring.
Don't support the destruction of gaming. Don't buy an Xbox One.
Why are all Terrans literally space rednecks? >_>
I started with Zerg and like it, but Vultures instill a giddy sense of glee in me when I use them.

Cross the entire map in five seconds, blow up workers and zealots in an instant without slowing down, and get three nukes (well, they might as well be nukes for the damage they do) for 75 minerals.

Messing around in muta micro maps is hella fun though... too bad I suck and everything in my base goes to hell if I try to spend that much attention on it in a real game.
"That is why war is so tragic. To win means to make victims of your opponents and give birth to hatred." - Kratos Aurion, Tales of Symphonia
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Terran because MUH RINES
few things as satisfying as successfully storming a ball of marines
"There are not enough minerals!!!!"
GOATTHlEF posted...
NeonOctopus posted...
Why are all Terrans literally space rednecks? >_>

Storyline-wise the four ships we sent to the starcraft portion of our galaxy were filled with undesirables, mutants, and political prisoners of the unifying wars back on Earth yanma

Yeah, the Korprulu Sector was basically a dumping ground for anyone the UED wanted out.

On topic, Terrans. Live and die by the tank push.
Party leader, passive-aggressive doormat, pasta eater extraordinaire!
As someone who pretty much only plays the campaigns, Terran are my favorite.
- The Admiral
zerg cuz i like making a ton of dudes that kill
My life for Aiur
Wow I'm surprised terran is losing
I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister.
at first it was toss,
then I switched to human supramacy terran.
%u201CTolerance is not a Christian value. Charity, justice, mercy, prudence, honesty--these are Christian values.%u201D -Archbishop Chaput
Current Events » Favorite faction to play in Starcraft? >_>