Protoman vs Bass

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Current Events » Protoman vs Bass
Who is best paired with Mega Man?

Rock On!
Proto Man for sure.

I don't really get how Mega Man and Bass became a game before Proto Man was ever playable but that said Bass is a good character too.
Mother fuckin Proto Man!
Mother f***in Proto Man!

This reminds me. I made a personal running gag once when I was testing out an online chat system I had made. Just to have something to talk about in my simulated three-way convsesation I had each participant act all superior about their favorite Mega Man character.

John: Mega Man is the Man!
Joe: Naw man Bass is the best!

I don't know why but for some reason that cracked me up so much that in all my future tests O would have somebody just out of the blue yell "PROTOMAN DAMMIT"

I'm easily amused, you see.
Current Events » Protoman vs Bass