when MJ changed his skin color did he gain white privilege?

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Current Events » when MJ changed his skin color did he gain white privilege?
when MJ changed his skin color did he gain white privilege?

something I never considered before
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SSJGrimReaper posted...

what about this flabberghasted you?
sigless user is me or am I?
Once he became white he got unjustly charged for touching kids and got made fun of relentlessly. Obviously he lost his black privilege and white people are the ones really discriminated against.
"That man practices Islam. Are you happy he was taken out since according to you he believes what terrorists do?" -VipaGTS to me
MARKINGRAM22 posted...
Obviously he lost his black privilege

sigless user is me or am I?
Medz8606 posted...

umm ok
sigless user is me or am I?
White privledge doesn't exist.

Proof? Wait on an union employment line. The black man will be chosen over the white man solely based on the color of his skin.
Michael Jackson made his own privilege. He was famous everywhere in the world and people loved him
this is a sig.
He certainly lost his attractive privilege later in his vitiligo, he got real creepy.
move all remaining groundhog mercenaries to the front lines. Have sheep troopers squadrons A and B flank the cows. They're using DC-17 hoof blasters.
Black privilege
Jared Fogle had sex with minors and is in prison
Michael Jackson had sex with minors and nothing.
Current Events » when MJ changed his skin color did he gain white privilege?