im seeing two different hinge girls

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » im seeing two different hinge girls
girl 1:

-conventionally attractive
-likes being more spontaneous ie going out drinking,concerts/events
-solid job
-likes sports (i like sports)
-does active activities like running and pickleball

girl 2:
-attractive in my eyes but a lil overweight. would be conventionally attractive if she lost weight
-has a big job role. highly educated
-into reading
-goes out a little but content with staying in
-not into sports
-easier to flirt with

This isnt an exhaustive list but has some basics. To me, girl 2 makes it more obvious that she likes me and finds me attractive. literally said shes attracted to me and is expecting a kiss the next date. girl 1 has not said anything like this. i kind of ghosted girl 1 for a few days and then asked if she wanted to go out on the weekend, but she was kind of disappointed i didnt communicate. i asked her straight up if she wanted to keep going with this and she said yes so she hasnt explicitly said it but it seems she likes me enough to not drop everything over one slip up.

im planning on going out with each at least one more time, but at some point i would have the drop one if this keeps up. what do i do? honestly if looks were equal girl 2 would be the more obvious choice, but ive known her for less time so maybe things change. im kind of hoping one of them makes the decision for me
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How much do you like to go out?
In the long run we are all dead
a bit i like a good balance
This space is here only so it looks like I have a sig so my post are more noticeable. My posts look naked without a sig.
if youre just looking to bang, then girl 1. if you want something more long term, then girl 2
Meanwhile I've been ghosted for the 10th+ time in my conversation
A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors
TC is a player... a video game player
Some guys have all the luck, Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks, Some guys do nothing but complain
when you got two or more hinges... door em
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Kazuma_Yagami posted...
girl 1:
-conventionally attractive

girl 2:
-attractive in my eyes but a lil overweight. would be conventionally attractive if she lost weight


I get the impression that you're looking for reasons not to go with #2. This tells me that you're either more into her and are trying to compensate for that to make a fair comparison (in which case stop trying to make a fair comparison and go with her), or that you actually aren't that into her and are trying to find more tangible reasons for that than just the vibe (in which case, stop trying to find more tangible reasons because the vibe is all you need to turn down a relationship).
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Just date both and get into wacky shenanigans trying to keep them from finding out about the other one. Thanks, Nade Duck!
Poll of the Day » im seeing two different hinge girls