Would you ever cancel or end your PTO early...

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Would you ever cancel or end your PTO early...
If I'm having a bad day I will do what's necessary to see to it that you will be too.
i have before. I got an extra PTO day out of it plus the hours i worked
Depends on the circumstances. If my time off is just chilling at home and all I'd need to do is like pop in virtually for an hour for something that's either come up unexpectedly (and therefore couldn't have been accounted for in approving my vacation request) or would be significantly more work for me to train someone else to do than do myself, I'll log in to handle it and just take off an hour early some subsequent day (and I've done this on a few different occasions). If I'm travelling, it's more than checking in briefly, and/or I have to actually go into the office? Then it has to be an emergency and I'll expect some kind of compensation for it.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Fuck no. The company will not remember or care about your sacrifice.

If your PTO was documented in advance and you're gone, be gone. Incommunicado. Outlook notifications off. Teams notifications off.

They knew you were gone and failed to prepare. That's their problem, not yours.
Cupcake2006 posted...
The company will not remember or care about your sacrifice.

Not "the company", the people you work with. Other, equally-tiered employees who would be slogging by without your help.
Anyone who doesn't agree is part of the problem.
Yes, and I have.
Solid_Sonic posted...
Not "the company", the people you work with. Other, equally-tiered employees who would be slogging by without your help.
Same answer. As long as you were a good employee and communicated your PTO with your coworkers and managers, you are guilt free. The lack of additional coverage/support in your absence is the Company's problem to solve, not yours.
Generally speaking, no. But I would consider it if I wasn't doing anything special and it wouldn't add too much stress to my day.
I am awesome and so are you.
Lenny gone but not forgotten. - 12/10/2015
If i had something going on with one of them yeah. Otherwise no.
Currently playing - OldSchool RuneScape
Generally no, but I would consider it if something truly catastrophic happened. I like my co-workers.
And with that... pow! I'm gone!
When Im not working, neither are they.
No to troublesome
Yes to catastrophic
So I was standing still at a stationary store...
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
Never, no point in that.

The company ain't my family till I am an owner.

I am a mercenary always looking at the door. The company has to earn me being there.
look at these bad boys
dfwQuerns posted...
look at these bad boys

It's not a "bad boy" thing to treat your job the way our system demands you treat it.

These companies you work for do not give a single crap about you and that attitude should be returned in kind. The only reason why they push that "we're a family" crap is to devalue your labor.
Yeah; if theyre really slammed at work and need help, Ive gone in if Im available. My remaining PTO can then either be rescheduled or double-booked.
"Shhh! Ben, don't ruin the ending!" --Adrian Ripburger, Full Throttle
I would never know if they needed my help because I don't look at, answer, or respond to work correspondence during my personal time
What's better than roses on your piano?
Tulips on your organ.
Far-Queue posted...
I would never know if they needed my help because I don't look at, answer, or respond to work correspondence during my personal time
this is the way
Sure. I come in if they pay me twice plus overtime, or refund my pto.

If you work for free your hero award is going to be the company expecting that much out of you and possibly others in the future. It's actually selfish of you.
Yellow posted...
Sure. I come in if they pay me twice plus overtime, or refund my pto.

If you work for free your hero award is going to be the company expecting that much out of you and possibly others in the future. It's actually selfish of you.

This is a harsh lesson I had to learn. If you work more than you need to, the company expects that level of commitment out of everyone else too. You are effectively being a scab.

I wish I figured this out before I started getting my coworkers fired.

We really need to start thinking about how screwed up our system is that it punishes people for working hard.
Never stick your neck out for other coworkers. They not your friends nor family. They are there soley to make a dollar. They will stab you in the back to make an extra dollar. Get your mind right and your grind right. Stay tight.
teddy241 posted...
Never stick your neck out for other coworkers. They not your friends nor family. They are there soley to make a dollar. They will stab you in the back to make an extra dollar. Get your mind right and your grind right. Stay tight.

You got it backwards.

Stick up for your coworkers. Never stick up for your boss though.
VioletZer0 posted...
This is a harsh lesson I had to learn. If you work more than you need to, the company expects that level of commitment out of everyone else too. You are effectively being a scab.

I wish I figured this out before I started getting my coworkers fired.

We really need to start thinking about how screwed up our system is that it punishes people for working hard.
Want to know my nightmare story?

I worked overnight to package things. I work at one of the biggest stores in the state (NSA dox here, whatever). They told me "don't worry no one can get it all done". I cracked my knuckles and came up with a new way to do it, getting it all done. The other two old ladies that worked with me looked so bad. They were both replaced.

Now there are only 2 people working overnights, and I have twice as much work to do on top of that . There are days where it takes me 12 hours to get it all done. I get yelled at every day for being too slow. Every single coworker I've had has either had a mental breakdown or quit. They can't find anyone to do it. If I work as fast as I can, I can get it all done on a slow day on time, and I feel very sick afterwards, like I'm going to vomit.

The other day I had a new manager who worked at a much smaller store lecture me on how I should be able to get it all done twice as fast. I basically broke down crying and told them I refused to do it anymore, and now I'm not doing overnights anymore (this was only 2 days ago). I really need the money mind you, they cut my pay by $3 and took away all my benefits at one point.

I genuinely believe that the amount of manipulation, lying, and gaslighting they put me through would make anyone else quit. They also treat me like a dumb problem employee kid because I admitted to them that I had a drinking problem. (This job drove me to drink)
Yellow posted...
Want to know my nightmare story?

I worked overnight to package things. I work at one of the biggest stores in the state (NSA dox here, whatever). They told me "don't worry no one can get it all done". I cracked my knuckles and came up with a new way to do it, getting it all done. The other two old ladies that worked with me looked so bad. They were both replaced.

Now there are only 2 people working overnights, and I have twice as much work to do on top of that . There are days where it takes me 12 hours to get it all done. I get yelled at every day for being too slow. Every single coworker I've had has either had a mental breakdown or quit. They can't find anyone to do it. If I work as fast as I can, I can get it all done on a slow day on time, and I feel very sick afterwards, like I'm going to vomit.

The other day I had a new manager who worked at a much smaller store lecture me on how I should be able to get it all done twice as fast. I basically broke down crying and told them I refused to do it anymore, and now I'm not doing overnights anymore. I really need the money mind you, they cut my pay by $3 and took away all my benefits at one point.

I genuinely believe that the amount of manipulation, lying, and gaslighting they put me through would make anyone else quit. They also treat me like a dumb problem employee kid because I admitted to them that I had a drinking problem. (This job drove me to drink)

An all too familiar story.

Holy crap I am so sorry.
VioletZer0 posted...
An all too familiar story.

Holy crap I am so sorry.
It's fine. I'm done with it now. Never doing it again. I feel bad for whoever they replace me with, because they genuinely have no idea how to run the place. I'll figure something else out for money. The extra $2/hr isn't worth my sanity, which I was losing.

They are definitely losing money overall because of their behavior.
No, and I wouldn't expect them to do it for me either. I am big on when you take PTO, you go on PTO. Short of the whole company burning to the ground I don't expect to be bothered and I don't bother people on PTO.
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Only if they pay me double.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
VioletZer0 posted...
You got it backwards.

Stick up for your coworkers. Never stick up for your boss though.
No. Don't stick up for your coworkers either. My girlfriend got fired after a long series of slowly helping (translation: doing) her coworker's work when her coworker couldn't figure her shit out. After a series of months, my girlfriend was straight up doing her work and her coworker's work. This eventually made its way to their mutual boss, who had been accustomed to the good work (again, girlfriend doing both), and fired her because she ultimately stopped doing said coworker's work.

Lot more to it than that, but that's ultimately what it boiled down to.

tldr NEVER stick up for anyone at work. Manager, direct report (barring extenuating circumstances - managers are expected to have their reports' backs in most capacities), or peer.
Absolutely not. I even had a company try to cancel a vacation I had requested off 8 months in advance. They tried every method of coercion. I simply told them I had already paid for multiple parts of my trip, which were nonrefundable, and short of them repaying me the over $10k already spent plus other incentives I would not be in work. They threatened in multiple ways and I just simply told them I would not be here. It was up to them if they wanted me back after and that I was done speaking about it. I didnt hear anything else. I took my vacation and had a very tremulous time. But when it wasnt it was lovely.
teddy241 posted...
Never stick your neck out for other coworkers. They not your friends nor family. They are there soley to make a dollar. They will stab you in the back to make an extra dollar. Get your mind right and your grind right. Stay tight.
I remember your topic where you were upset that your white coworkers got MLK Day off, so its pretty obvious how you feel about your coworkers.
My coworkers, even ones I am friends with, will only pick up my shifts if it benefits them so I do the same thing. So no, I wouldn't. I don't get angry at them, it's nothing personal, but it goes both ways so I don't feel guilty.
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Muscles posted...
My coworkers, even ones I am friends with, will only pick up my shifts if it benefits them so I do the same thing. So no, I wouldn't. I don't get angry at them, it's nothing personal, but it goes both ways so I don't feel guilty.

Yeah I tried to get overtime but it was rejected last minute by higher ups.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
I'd rather have my PTO paid out than taken, unless absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, most companies I've worked for don't make that an option.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Poll of the Day » Would you ever cancel or end your PTO early...