For those that use micro fiber clothes to clean their phone screens and such.

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » For those that use micro fiber clothes to clean their phone screens and such.
If it adds more scratches but is still functional is that ok? I cant get a screen protector due to not owning a credit card and my mom pays for the phone. I only notice the hairline scratches under a bright light when the phone is off and there's a lot of them from various sizes. I wash the microfiber cloth consistently.

Just want to make sure it lasts and to get some opinions. I require the phone due to 2 step for various gaming accounts.

Thank you.
Recommend some anime, preferably completed series or in the least, series that feel like they ended well.
Why do you need a credit card to get a screen protector?
Why cant you get a credit card?
Forever Momo; Always EPic
micro fiber cloths create static electricity that causes infetterence and destroys your phone
im gay
Micro scratches arent going to hurt your screen. Especially a high quality one. Cracks are a problem, scratches are considered normal wear and tear.
Don't use a microfiber cloth, you're just grinding dirt into the screen, which is where the microscratches are coming from. Use pre-moistened lens tissues, such as Flents Wipe 'N Clear. They sell them in bulk at Costco and Sam's Club.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
you can just use whatever to clean the screen

sometimes I just spit on it and wipe it with my shirt

the micro scratches are normal wear and tear, it'll happen no matter what
see my gundams here
updated 4/07/24; hg dantalion
I've used my t shirt to clean screens and glasses forever, its fine.
?huh?........ it's just a box.
The microfiber cloth itself shouldnt be making scratches. The cloth is probably dirty.
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
You shouldn't wash the microfiber cloth, you need to wash the phone instead.
So I was standing still at a stationary store...
you pretty much can these days
see my gundams here
updated 4/07/24; hg dantalion
Poll of the Day » For those that use micro fiber clothes to clean their phone screens and such.