Which man should rule the world if you had to pick between these three?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Which man should rule the world if you had to pick between these three?
You wake up in some sort of nightmarish game of thrones for godking emperor of the world.

You are put under a spell forcing you to pick to support on of these men to become tyrant of the world. Who do you pick and why?

i definitely wouldnt pick Trump of these three. Its a tough choice between Rabbi Shmuley and Alex Jones I would pick Alex if he didnt deny Sandy hook because he is charisma incarnated.

Rabbi Shmuley is almost as hilarious as Alex Jones but with none of the controversy relatively.

All three have terrible politics but I would choose Rabbi Shmuley
I might pick Trump just cuz he'd die sooner

Alex Jones MIGHT be the least harmful - Shmuley is basically alt-Shapiro
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
Who the fuck even is the second guy?
Alex Jones would be the worst possible timeline.
SomeUsername529 posted...
Who the fuck even is the second guy?

I only know who one of those people is.
Yellow posted...
Alex Jones would be the worst possible timeline.
Oh without a doubt it would be cancer on a stick.

i just would want to see that cringe fest because its akin to watching a dumpster fire.
SomeUsername529 posted...
Who the fuck even is the second guy?

"Life's a game. It's meant to be played."
"Amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic."
Poll of the Day » Which man should rule the world if you had to pick between these three?