I'm going to replay all the Zelda games in release order this year

Poll of the Day

I just finished the 4 palace of Zelda 2. This game would be insanely frustrating without the Switch's ability to rewind.

Barring that, the original game should have had ways to recover health other than the life spell. Also, the game over system should have been much more forgiving, like taking you to the entrance of the palace when you ran out of lives, or to the last town you visited if you're in the overworld.

Another change that needed to happen was falling into pits shouldn't have been an immediate lost life. It should have been minor damage and immediate respawn in a safe spot. There have been several cases of something that wasn't even on the screen when I started jumping flying towards me mid-jump over a pit, thus knocking me back into the pit. I can accept (and have been accepting) a failure when it's my own fault, but these just feel cheap and detract from the experience.

-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --