Playing through The Last of Us Part 2 for the first time.

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Playing through The Last of Us Part 2 for the first time.
I don't get it lol. How did this win so many game of the year awards? You just kind of walk around a few halls, then you wind up in an arena that you have to stealth around for 10 minutes, then maybe there's a more open sections, then more hallways, another arena, rinse and repeat.
lol okay
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
I don't get it

We can tell

If you rise up to heaven I'll turn the sun to blind you
If you sleep deep in hell I have chains to bind you
Its my favorite game of all time. The gameplay is near perfection and the story is the best Ive ever experienced in film/games/books. Idk, it just really resonated with me. I just finished another playthrough on the remastered version.

im assuming you didnt skip the first game?
im gay
I mean for the most part it's got good character designs. Good graphics. Good game play. And people really like the cinematic video game story style that naughty dog does.

Compared to the rest of the AAA industry, especially with now how prevalent live service games are, this is a pretty great game.

Though I'm not very particular to the suffering porn that zombie stories are so fond of.
twylite sprinkle
Poll of the Day » Playing through The Last of Us Part 2 for the first time.