If Earth became one nation, where should the capital be?

Poll of the Day

adjl posted...
I'll give this idea style points, if nothing else.

I mean, I'm only going for style points here. I'm not overly worried about practicality because the whole idea is socio-politically impractical at the moment. So why not just have fun with it?

Speaking of which, how about a massive supertanker with a city built on its deck that just chugs around the ocean randomly? Then every once in a while your global capital comes chugging into sight off your coast, and you'd better be on your best behavior!

KJ_StErOiDs posted...
It wouldnt be at a physical location, but an internet domain.

It's a virtual city in the Metaverse.

And Zuckerberg never stops jerking off over it.

( Metaphorically, I mean. It would be really, really awkward if a giant avatar of Zuckerberg was literally just constantly jerking off over the city as a whole. Not that I'd put it past him ).
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family