Another Year, Another School Shooting...

Poll of the Day

Unadulterated posted...
Of course there are dumb suckers that want a gift card lol Why should a good guy that owns a gun give away one of his freedoms? The bad guys don't give a shit about that.

A lot of people I debate with about this rarely have any real world experience with any of this stuff or been around thugs in the ghetto or anywhere else dangerous and probably haven't even held a real gun.
This is not something anyone should sensibly propose as an overnight solution. Comprehensive gun reform in the US would likely take years, if not decades. But it must start somewhere, somehow. Maintaining the status quo is clearly failing. The "bad guys" boogeyman is not as impenetrable as you'd think. Gun control doesn't exist in a vacuum. Socio-economic policies can go to great lengths to improve the situations of those who feel the need to resort to guns as a means of provision and protection. Like I said, it could take decades to make any real progress. But it is achievable.

Not sure who you usually debate about these things, but I have a wealth of real-world experience with this. My own brother is one of those "thugs" from the ghetto, currently serving time. I grew up outside Boston in some rough neighborhoods. I served in the Army and currently own a rifle I use for pest control on my property.

But please, posturise and make some more baseless assumptions. By all means.