Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw has resigned from The Escapist, among others.

Poll of the Day

BlackScythe0 posted...
People on the internet frequently tend to think that just because they know/like someone popular that everyone knows who they are because they are popular.

There are a ton of huge content creators I never hear of until they get into some sort of controversy such as this.

This, so very much.

It's one of the reasons why I've been saying for a while now that I feel like the kids of today aren't really going to have a significant shared pop culture once they grow up, because there's really not a huge overlap of media experience the way there used to be. Even the most popular YouTubers or Twitch streamers are still niche at best.

darkknight109 posted...
It's like not knowing who Hideo Kojima is - sure, you may or may not be a fan of his work - or you may not have even watched it at all - but unless you first got into the hobby within the last 10 years (which I doubt describes anyone posting on GameFAQs these days), you probably have heard his name at some point.

That can be less meaningful than you think, though.

As an example, you mentioned AVGN - while I've been involved in gaming communities since before YouTube existed, and actually discovered Yahtzee before he joined The Escapist, I managed to completely miss being aware of AVGN for years .

I think the first time I ever heard of AVGN was related to Nostalgia Critic/Channel Awesome - which is another fandom I completely missed while it was actually a thing. I think I only really became aware of them at all right around the time that their entire network imploded. I've been watching gaming content and media criticism on YouTube for more than a decade and I never really wound up finding any of their content in any meaningful way. If I ever saw a video or a mention in passing it was never enough to really register on my conscious mind in a way I'd ever remember it.

A lot of sub-communities or that may seem significant aren't necessarily as common knowledge as many people think.

Monopoman posted...
Trust me at this point he was the main reason the Escapist was holding some relevancy nearly every other person they have is pretty damn mediocre at best.

I like Jack Packard, but I'll be honest and say I enjoyed him way more when he was doing Previously Recorded with Rich Evans.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family