you guys ever realize video games have affected your common sense?

Poll of the Day

agesboy posted...
thanks to the sims I don't consider a pizza bad until it's been sitting out on the counter for about a full day. may have been longer.

Rotpar posted...
Just eat a pizza when you get hurt and it'll patch you right up.

Both are true in real life.

If you have ever been an 18-30 year old and partied over at friends on the weekend etc, you probably had pizza that sat out over night and was DAMN good the next morning. As long as it just has cheese/pepporoni at least, none of the ingredients go bad fast. The cheese could probably last a few days, the bread is bread, and pepporoni doesn't need to be refrigerated at all.

Only if you have perishable stuff on your pizza do you really have to worry at all (I would imagine ground beef would go bad for instance).

Probably mushrooms/onions/bell peppers/olives/salami and a few other ingrediants would be fine as well. Honestly when I was young it was all about the pure cheese or cheese and pepporoni so I didn't test any of the rest.

But I can attest to never getting sick, dying, mostly dying, mutating, metamorphing, becoming a dirty politician or having a sudden sex change due to eating pizza that was out over night.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.