So what's the deal with Brittney Spears?

Poll of the Day

MabinogiFan posted...
I heard about her abusive family and conservatorship and whatever, but she still seems kind of unhinged herself.

She's basically a girl whose destiny was to be a white trash stripper living in a trailer park, eventually getting knocked up by her drunken mechanic husband... who lucked into a golden ticket to fame that left her completely incapable of dealing with the pressure, while literally everyone around her went out of their way to exploit, manipulate, or take advantage of her.

You can say she doesn't really deserve the sympathy, but honestly, a lot of her life has been pretty shitty for reasons that are entirely beyond her control, or at least aren't directly her fault (other than being too naive and trusting people she shouldn't have). So it's easy to see her as the victim and her life as generally being tragic.

Especially when the people claiming to be taking care of her are themselves taking abusive advantage of their conservatorship. "Yeah, she makes poor life choices and doesn't take good care of herself, which is why she needs me to make all the decisions for her" sort of becomes a weaker argument when it's coming from someone who is clearly a piece of shit.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family