Help convince me to not quit my job.

Poll of the Day

There are just too many good jobs so I just posted the link to all of them at the bottom. There are a freakton of jobs paying over double your current salary for entry level positions.

Honestly from the looks of things you should be able to get a job that pays more then your making while only working part time. Only minor problem would be if your in a small town with no empoyers near you, but honestly even then there are a ton of jobs that are remote (work from home) that STILL pay more.

Honestly it may not be as high as around here, but it's WAY easier to get jobs right now then it ever has been before. You could probably get a salaried position paying 35-50k a year since you have at least some experience in customer service and at least 2 good references from your previous bosses.

Worth a shot at least!!
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.