Help convince me to not quit my job.

Poll of the Day

First tons of jobs are paying way more and desperate for workers. Walmart is paying $18.50 base (more with experience), many fast food jobs are starting at $18 as well, and those are absolutely rock bottom positions needing no experience etc.

You have experience, so you can probably get something making over $20 an hour pretty easy. You also don't need to start right away, but I would try and get the new job before unemployment ends September 2nd and all those people start looking for jobs.

Best to look for a job now, but give your notice alread for this one, and have a start date on the new job at least a few weeks after this one ends (so you have some me time).

I don't know how much your making (if your comfortable letting us know that would be great) but from other posts I've seen of yours I get the impression that even making $18 an hour would be enough to pay your bills. Heck, you may even be able to do that part time.

There are certainly MANY jobs out there that will be less stress that you can do, quite a few will not even have you interacting with other humans.

Right now, for the first time in a very long time, it's an employees market, there are tons of positions open and many will pay for your training (And pay you to get trained etc).

I'm working as a HCA (Home Care Aid) and while the pay blows (only 16.75...literally fast food jobs pay more right now), I feel like i'm making a difference. In addition there are 75 hours of training you usually have to take (and pay for) before starting...but due to covid THEY pay for the and pay for your time taking them, in addition you can start working (like I have) before even doing the training.

You might consider a similar job near you, there are HCA companies everywhere, basically your job is helping elderly/disabled people do daily life tasts (shopping, getting dressed, bathing etc) and keeping them company etc. You actually make a positive difference in peoples lives while making more then enough to live on.

You won't get rich doing the job, but you'll feel good about yourself and the things you do every day, it's low stress, and often even fun (Like I mainly watch the news with my first client in the morning every day).

Don't stay at a job you hate right now, there are just too many better options.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.