Thanks Koga:)
Yeah I was seriously worried about getting Barbara again when I rolled my special (since she was an option).
My pull was almost perfect tbh, the only thing that could have been a "bit" better would be to get another earth char, so I could do dual fire + dual earth. Barbara is great for healing, and her water attacks are naturally good against fire, but honestly Klee destroys fire characters faster then Barbara does already.
If I had 2 earth though, that would boost Klee's damage even more (and her tanking as well). I also have Klee equiped with the book that makes her heal as she gets elemental shards etc, so she really doesn't need healing from Barbara anyway.
Eventually I'll get another earth i'm sure, but my current setup is so good I certainly can't complain.
The only thing I might do is switch out Barbara normally for Ice Dude so I can do a shatter combo easier with Noelle.
I've found the traveler totally worthless honestly and though it took me awhile, I stopped having her in the party.
Still not a big fan of Lisa, other then for purple things she needs to zap. Cyro dude is good for elemental combos/shatter, and to get over water sometimes (just mainly for that one island that was super far away).
I really need to try yuffie though lol.....I equiped her, leveled her to 18 or so, but never use her because.....KLEE!!! hehe.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.