Any Genshin Impact players?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Any Genshin Impact players?
Just started playing and I have 12 wishes.

I see that if you use 10 you get a gaurranteed 4 star char which sounds good.

But I also see a begginers wish thing that ensures you get a specific char Noelle for only 8 wishes.

In theory I would only need to get another 4 wishes to do that a second time for another random 4 star char as well.

Thing is I'm not sure if Noelle is that great (not really any good info) and i'd really like a second fire character to get the 25% attack buff if possible.

Should I spend 10 wishes on a normal pull and hope to get a better character than noelle? I'd really like to get a strong fire character (honestly don't really like amber I think her name is, not a fan of bows since I'm using a controller to play and the controll for bows blows on it.

Enjoying the game so far, but wishes seem like a rare/valuable commodity so I don't wanna waste em.

Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Go poke your head in the Stephen Bean topic and ask. Pretty sure those folks play

I've played it but barely.
"I'm a pathetic Simp and am proud to be exploited" - Lord_Shadow
I just downloaded this game on Epic Store... you telling me its a gacha game?
I'm actually really enjoying GodFall.
HornedLion posted...
I just downloaded this game on Epic Store... you telling me its a gacha game?

How have you gotten that far without knowing that?
I've been playing for a few months, and from what I've seen online, Noelle is one of the best characters in the game. I haven't used her much myself, but she can apparently be super overpowered with the right set up.

There's also 2 types of wishes, regular ones for the basic stuff, and stronger ones for the event characters. You'll likely be wanting to save your primogems for the special wishes rather than the normal ones. You'll also be earning more normal ones by leveling up your characters and ranking up, along with being able to buy more in the shop with points you get by making wishes.
Work in progress, please be patient.
Well it's kinda a gotcha game I guess, but you can get everything in game and don't need to buy anything. There are a bunch of characters you can get, but it seems like only a few are really good from what I read.

I think you auto get barbara from what I was reading but not sure how yet (probably a later quest).

You get 4 chars right at the start, and you start with 12 wishes, and there is a newbie roll thing that lets you get 10 pulls for 8 wishes (normally costs 10). When you do 10 pulls you auto get a 4star character, but with the beginner thing it's automatically noelle initially.

That does give you a geo character so i'm pretty sure I'm gonna do it just so I have another element (also from reading it sounds like she heals/regens the rest of the party).

From watching vids, it seems like you can play without spending money for a good 60+ hours easily without really missing much, but end game is faster/easier if you spend money (again just from watching vids not personal experience).

Still just starting myself, but it is fun, even without great chars right now.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Thanks Koga, gonna roll the dice then on a normal banner!! Looking forward to not having to eat food to heal anymore lols.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Ugh, I don't know if I had really bad luck or if it's normal, but I got all weapons except for noelle, not even 1 other character:(

Really wanted another fire character badly.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
wolfy42 posted...
Thanks Koga, gonna roll the dice then on a normal banner!! Looking forward to not having to eat food to heal anymore lols.
No problem.

wolfy42 posted...
Ugh, I don't know if I had really bad luck or if it's normal, but I got all weapons except for noelle, not even 1 other character:(

Really wanted another fire character badly.
That seems to be how it usually goes for me. Seems like it's almost always 1 character and a bunch of weapons, though you can definitely pull multiple characters at once too.

If you manage to snag Bennett, he's a great healer(fire too).
Work in progress, please be patient.
Cruddy_horse posted...
How have you gotten that far without knowing that?

sounds like all he did was download it
my resting temp can easily be in the 90's -Krazy_Kirby
Oh, hope I get Bennett then. I was 2 fire for sure for the attack boost. Also like to have a non-bow fire character as well since fire rocks but bows are annoying with controller.

Almost wanna run with 2 fire and 2 geo for the double damage boost you get that way (along with stronger shield). I know that prevents elemental combinations, but it would especially make my geo characters (and now I have noelle who seems to hit hard especially since I have a finesse 3 beater sword on her (had 3 of them so I upgraded it twice).

2 fire chars + 2 earth chars would probably make noelle a freaking beast lol.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Mead posted...
sounds like all he did was download it

This is correct. I havent played it yet.
I'm actually really enjoying GodFall.
Yeah, Noelle's attack rises by 50% of her defence. Just pump her defense up and she'll be hitting like a truck, with super shields, and healing capabilities. Seems like with the right set up that she's basically unstoppable and has high damage to boot.

Also, Bennett is a sword user. I recently lucked into getting Diluc while trying for Eula recently as well.

My current team is the Traveller, Bennet, Eula, and Zhongli. But I pretty much just use Zhongli in fights.
Work in progress, please be patient.
They just gave 10 wishes for free for an anniversary so I got the second begginers banner and got all weapons + barbarra.

She is way better at healing, but will make a good combo with Noelle as well (cause Noelle wasn't really healing yet, but has very high defense).

Noelle rips stuff up though.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Barbara is also good. I was reading up recently about good 4 star characters, and Noelle, and Barbara were some of the ones that can outclass 5 star characters iirc. I think Bennet and Beidou were listed as well, but with Barbara you won't need Bennett's healing that much.
Work in progress, please be patient.
Yeah, she is good for healing, but not overly amazed by her attacking, and since you can switch out chars freely out of combat I'd rather have a second fire char than her most of the time (if I ever get one).

Two fire, two earth I think will be my standard attack group unless i'm gonna do elemental combos or something. Should make for a really powerful Noelle, both defensivly and offensively.

So what I really need are another fire and another earth asap.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
noelle is crap
ugh alot of stuff is taking along time to kill now. They keep having me fight the flying leaf things. Noelle and the ice dude do crap damage to it. Amber can shoot it in the air so does the most damage to it because of that, but the traveler's wind spell actually does like 150 total to it when it's on the ground.

Thing is, took freaking 20 minutes to kill it. Just about to go into this temple that is recomended level 18, my traveler is 20 and can't ascend till guild level 15 (I'm 11 right now). Rest are about 15-18 or so. I'll prob just boost em all to 19 so they can at least get some exp.

I read that the elemental combinations can help take things down fast, but so far, I have not actually been seeing that. I didn't do any in combo with electricity as I don't like the witch much, but I did water/ice water/fire ice/wind etc...nothing really hurt it bad, to make it work switching chars for a combo.

I do have alot of resources I have not used, and I didn't use any of the second/3rd tier upgrade eq for weapons etc, but the diff you get at that point is small for alot of I don't think it'll make that much difference.

Anyway still having fun but I REALLY need double fire so I can get that attack boost.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
use combos, preferably with the right element
My internet sucks, so the update took all night. But I got Klee immediately, so guess I'm set till the next banner. There's no way I'd be lucky enough to max out her constellation, so I'll just save my gems.

Also, not really a fan of the new event island stuff yet. Maybe the other minigames will make it more interesting. Though, I didn't really have much time to explore or blow stuff up before I had to leave for work.
Work in progress, please be patient.
Yeah I'm not high enough to try the event stuff, hopefully I'll get there today though. Klee looks good though, should give me another fire char which will help all around!!
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
wolfy42 posted...
Yeah I'm not high enough to try the event stuff, hopefully I'll get there today though. Klee looks good though, should give me another fire char which will help all around!!
Yeah, she's fun. I don't know if it has a rank requirement on it like the island stuff, but you can do a trial run with Klee. In the options wheel thingy, the far left option lists the active events. You can try a fight with her and earn 20 primogems.
Work in progress, please be patient.
Noelle sucks shit, stop using her.

Amber also sucks unless you put heavy investment into her.

What heroes do you have?
The first person to be fully vaccinated on GameFaQs.
Boobs are life, ass is hometown Kenichiro Takaki.
I've had bad luck I guess. I only got Noelle and Barbara from my begginer badges. I guess you get barbara free later on, so that was kinda a worthless one.

I generally run with the traveler, amber, cryo dude (forget his name) and Noelle for right now.

I hate Lisa and Barbara seems only good for healing (I just switch her in to heal).

Traveler and Noelle seem to do the most damage, I just switch in Cyro dude and amber for elemental combos.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Here this should be helpful.

It looks like a lot of electricity heroes got demoted.
The first person to be fully vaccinated on GameFaQs.
Boobs are life, ass is hometown Kenichiro Takaki.
Ugh, I chose the worst traveler to it seems.

Almost makes me want to start over but I've played like 20 hours already and I wouldn't get the bonus wishes that were just given out, so I wouldn't really be saving that much.

Oh well, I'll just keep going with what I have I guess.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
The traveller you choose doesn't make any difference. They're the same in every way aside from looks.

Deleted my above post due to minor gameplay spoiler.
Work in progress, please be patient.
He means Geo or wind travelers.
The first person to be fully vaccinated on GameFaQs.
Boobs are life, ass is hometown Kenichiro Takaki.
EvilMegas posted...
He means Geo or wind travelers.
Yeah, but that's not determined by a choice he'd have to start over to make. The only reason to choose the other traveller is for aesthetics.
Work in progress, please be patient.
I may have already seen the spoilers after playing the harp and summoning the dragon etc (I'm on prologe 3 now I think).

But anyway that is good to know at least I have not messed that up. The getting Barbara though kinda blows as I'm almost high enough to get her for free. She is good for healing though, but not sure if i would use her over another fire char to get more damage.

Have gotten better at using amber and boosting her weapon up and her level does let her deal with the stupid flying enemies better at least. Still don't really like her though.

Lisa is my absolute least favorite, only really useful to me for lightning elemental switches and sometimes i do an elemental combo with her. I ditch her unless I need her element pretty much all the time.

Don't want to invest TOO much on leveling up their weapons as I hope to get better ones later, and also might not use these chars once I get better ones. Only have around level 10-15 weapons for them because of that. Almost everyone is at or near level 20 though (but I'm only adventurer level 12). Think at 15 I can start being able to evolve them so they can level up more.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Just keep going and hope you get better pulls.

That's what I did and I ended up with most of the 5 stars
The first person to be fully vaccinated on GameFaQs.
Boobs are life, ass is hometown Kenichiro Takaki.
I played it a bit on android shortly after it came out because my brother wanted to do co-op, not played it for months though.
3DS Friend Code: 3480-2661-5116
OHJOY90 posted...
I played it a bit on android shortly after it came out because my brother wanted to do co-op, not played it for months though.


I spent all my stardust and everythingn else I could convert for intwined fate points. I was 1 short, but i did my daily missions and got enough stardust for the 10th point.

So I rolled the dice.............and

I got Klee AND Yanfie!!!!

Freakking sweet.!!

Two freaking fire chars and both seem wwaaaay better than amber!!

It's like the universe gave me exactly what I wanted!!

By by barbara (your healing is nice but I never fight with you!!)

Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Klee was top tier when I stopped playing. I would keep Barbara, because you'll need at least 2 teams of heroes for later stuff and healing is underrated.
The first person to be fully vaccinated on GameFaQs.
Boobs are life, ass is hometown Kenichiro Takaki.
Klee is still very good
In my opinion, all slavery is wrong, even the really fancy kind - Mead
Yeah, I meant form y normal running around, I'll keep barbara on backup if I need to switch out for a heal though (just not when doing dungeons probably).

For now I'll probably go with Traveler + Noelle + Klee + Yannfee.

Honestly prefer Cyro dude to traveler but shrug. That should give me some serious damage options (till now Noelle was my best option but even she will get 25% more damage now!).
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
What a diff good chars make lolz.

Honestly Klee is so good i even use her on fire enemies most of the time lol.

I pretty much switch my first char based on what I need (Default Barbara for the heelz). Then I have my 2 fire chars (cept I never use Yanfee), and I finish up with Nolle (who can take down a fire char fast (but honestly so can barbara since she auto vaporizes em).

Damage goes up more then 25% though for having 2 fire characters. I'm think that is because there is some defense on enemies, and so the 25% increases your damage which means more goes through the resistance/dr or whatever.

But klee just freaking blows up everything's kleefull!!

I used up all my resin doing lay lines, totally obliterating them with klee, i'm just a bit below adventurer rank 18 (think I get Xing a tthat point but don't really need her anymore).

If I could get another earth to stick in my first slot for the double earth bonus that would be freaking sick.

Honestly though really like my setup, especially with barbara. Klee just destroys, Nolle is backup, Barb can heal anyone that actually gets hurt, and I Yanfi just gives a 25% damage boost to everyone hehe.

Much more fun now that i'm demolishing stuff mgrin.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
It's weird how it goes from a slog to play to fun, just from having one character, right?
The first person to be fully vaccinated on GameFaQs.
Boobs are life, ass is hometown Kenichiro Takaki.
Yeah, big time.

I could get by using the right element against whatever it was weak to before, but now I just plow through stuff. It's not instant kill but it's fast, so it's mostly exploring and finding the next bonus etc.

Much more fun like this. I also havn't leveled any of em over 20 yet, even though I can, but I'm getting close to needing to do stuff in the 30+ area, so will probably level em up after I sleep.

Very fun game, especially for free, have not enjoyed a free game this much since Path of Exile honestly.

Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Congrats on the good pull. Glad you're enjoying it.
Work in progress, please be patient.
didn't get klee last time, rolled a bunch and didn't get her. already had sucrose, got her 4 more times... got barbara twice
Thanks Koga:)

Yeah I was seriously worried about getting Barbara again when I rolled my special (since she was an option).

My pull was almost perfect tbh, the only thing that could have been a "bit" better would be to get another earth char, so I could do dual fire + dual earth. Barbara is great for healing, and her water attacks are naturally good against fire, but honestly Klee destroys fire characters faster then Barbara does already.

If I had 2 earth though, that would boost Klee's damage even more (and her tanking as well). I also have Klee equiped with the book that makes her heal as she gets elemental shards etc, so she really doesn't need healing from Barbara anyway.

Eventually I'll get another earth i'm sure, but my current setup is so good I certainly can't complain.

The only thing I might do is switch out Barbara normally for Ice Dude so I can do a shatter combo easier with Noelle.

I've found the traveler totally worthless honestly and though it took me awhile, I stopped having her in the party.

Still not a big fan of Lisa, other then for purple things she needs to zap. Cyro dude is good for elemental combos/shatter, and to get over water sometimes (just mainly for that one island that was super far away).

I really need to try yuffie though lol.....I equiped her, leveled her to 18 or so, but never use her because.....KLEE!!! hehe.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
I like fische for lighting
The good news is that if you pull another copy of the same person, it gives you an item to unlock that person's constellation. So even if you did get Barbara again, it'd just upgrade her skills.
Work in progress, please be patient.
Poll of the Day » Any Genshin Impact players?