What gaming platform do you think will have the biggest controversy in 2018 ?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » What gaming platform do you think will have the biggest controversy in 2018 ?
biggest controversy in 2018 ?

someone is bound to mess up sooner or later and be hit with some big controversy in 2018
Always PC, because PC games do crazier things.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
Nintendo. Some tits will get censored and nerdrage will do its thing.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
PC. Always PC. GPU Apocalypse 2.0 is shaping up to be much lulz.
Judge, Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
You're a regular Jack Kerouac
Poll of the Day » What gaming platform do you think will have the biggest controversy in 2018 ?