Who is your planet waifu

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Who is your planet waifu
I love this meme


Anyone who legit doesn't think pluto is a planet should get two handed. Pluto will ALWAYS be a planet in my heart >:(
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day
http://i.imgur.com/rNCkhGc.gif http://i.imgur.com/BRGmYpZ.gif
Planets are waifus now?

Which one has a dick?
Pluto because I'm into dwarves.
http://i.imgur.com/tsQUpxC.jpg Thanks, Nade Duck!
i choose to interpret "planet" as referring to captain planet. i choose linka
Earth is booooooorrrrriiiiiinnnnnnggggg, so shes naturally gonna be the main planet

Anyway Venus would be the most fun to watch.

Uranus as a potential dark horse if Venus is too one note.
None, anime girls don't get me off.
Sun-sensei >>>>> Sun-senpai

"Splashing water on a pervert is like putting lasers on a shark" - Shiho Shishido
| FC: 2707-2635-3369 | IGN: Toffee (Moon) / Caramel (Sun) |
Jupiter because tall, sporty girls always turn me on. I don't know how we'd handle the deafness, but if we really cared for each other I'm sure we could think of something.
Psythik posted...
None, anime girls don't get me off.

Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day
http://i.imgur.com/rNCkhGc.gif http://i.imgur.com/BRGmYpZ.gif
This "first year", "second year" thing is weird and unusual to me... same goes for terms like sophomore. We don't use those here in Canada.
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
Pluto should be expelled and the 'rebellious' anime girl trope. You know the type the one who smokes on the roof and acts harsh/cold but isn't when you get to know her.
I want to stick it in Uranus if you know what I mean. ; )

Geez, I'm terrible...
"You rat! How dare you sell me so cheap." "NO ONE CALLS ME THAT WITHOUT SOME CHEESE!"
Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.
Pluto is not a planet. Get over it.
do_ob_tpkillr posted...
Pluto is not a planet. Get over it.

Why isn't it?

it's a planet, YOU get over it!
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day
http://i.imgur.com/rNCkhGc.gif http://i.imgur.com/BRGmYpZ.gif
Where is the mysterious transfer planet X that appears in the 2nd season?
Nomak-54 posted...
do_ob_tpkillr posted...
Pluto is not a planet. Get over it.

Why isn't it?

it's a planet, YOU get over it!

No it's not. If Pluto is a planet so is Eris and lesser extent Ceres. But I don't see them in your weeb waifu shit.
The sun and Pluto aren't planets.

Out of the listed ones I'll go with Jupiter

But I like Mogo most
Puzzle and Dragons: 338 705 421
NeoSioType posted...
Where is the mysterious transfer planet X that appears in the 2nd season?

She better wear an eyepatch or Im rioting.
Among those pictures, I'd have to go with the Sun for both looks and personality. Neptune's neat-looking, too, though she sure doesn't sound friendly. But in real life, Earth-chan is my favorite: I've lived with her for over 28 years now.
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NASA and the majority of the world considers Pluto to be a dwarf planet.

Astronomers are the only group that do not view Pluto as a planet and even that is a very divisive view in the field
All praise Mead
Mercury and Venus look cute, anyway.

Nomak-54 posted...
Anyone who legit doesn't think pluto is a planet should get two handed. Pluto will ALWAYS be a planet in my heart >:(


Mead posted...
NASA and the majority of the world considers Pluto to be a dwarf planet.

Astronomers are the only group that do not view Pluto as a planet and even that is a very divisive view in the field

There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
Pluto, Mars and Venus seems like they'd be the safe waif choices.
Luscious Mami Tomoe, what a Mami. Fiora is mine. Eva-unit 00, Rei at your service. Yuno is delicious, fish is not.
Prefer Pluto's visual and Saturn's attributes.
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>Not flat

Wtf is this crap dude
Whatever the cost, whatever the effort!
WastelandCowboy posted...
Planets are waifus now?

Trump 2020
We need a new Final Fantasy Tactics
Mead posted...
Astronomers are the only group that do not view Pluto as a planet and even that is a very divisive view in the field

Son, so by your logic humans that are classified as dwarves aren't people? Man screw them planets pluto will ALWAYS be a planet.
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day
http://i.imgur.com/rNCkhGc.gif http://i.imgur.com/BRGmYpZ.gif
Nomak-54 posted...
Mead posted...
Astronomers are the only group that do not view Pluto as a planet and even that is a very divisive view in the field

Son, so by your logic humans that are classified as dwarves aren't people? Man screw them planets pluto will ALWAYS be a planet.

I suggest re-reading my post. I think you misinterpreted it somewhere along the way. I agree that Pluto is indeed a planet, just a small one.
All praise Mead
Mead posted...
Nomak-54 posted...
Mead posted...
Astronomers are the only group that do not view Pluto as a planet and even that is a very divisive view in the field

Son, so by your logic humans that are classified as dwarves aren't people? Man screw them planets pluto will ALWAYS be a planet.

I suggest re-reading my post. I think you misinterpreted it somewhere along the way. I agree that Pluto is indeed a planet, just a small one.

Youre arguing with a 16 year old that got repeatedly banned for posting cartoon of little girls.
Cacciato posted...
Mead posted...
Nomak-54 posted...
Mead posted...
Astronomers are the only group that do not view Pluto as a planet and even that is a very divisive view in the field

Son, so by your logic humans that are classified as dwarves aren't people? Man screw them planets pluto will ALWAYS be a planet.

I suggest re-reading my post. I think you misinterpreted it somewhere along the way. I agree that Pluto is indeed a planet, just a small one.

Youre arguing with a 16 year old that got repeatedly banned for posting cartoon of little girls.

I dont feel like Im arguing
All praise Mead
The Sun isn't a planet, it's a star.
Ever since the day you left, my fate's been set unknown... How many years to walk this path alone?
[...] So why'd you close your eyes... why can't I shut mine?
Why is Mercury narcoleptic? It has the fastest orbiting time of all the planets.

Why is Jupiter deaf?
No one shall expel us from the Paradise that Cantor has created.
Aww we're talking about girls here? I thought this topic was about the actual planets and which one we loved the most.
A lot of them kind of have a chin/mouth area like the UK Dennis the Menace. That's not a good thing.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
What about 2003 UB313?
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
Neptune. 100%.
Cacciato posted...
Mead posted...
Nomak-54 posted...
Mead posted...
Astronomers are the only group that do not view Pluto as a planet and even that is a very divisive view in the field

Son, so by your logic humans that are classified as dwarves aren't people? Man screw them planets pluto will ALWAYS be a planet.

I suggest re-reading my post. I think you misinterpreted it somewhere along the way. I agree that Pluto is indeed a planet, just a small one.

Youre arguing with a 16 year old that got repeatedly banned for posting cartoon of little girls.

Cacciato I'll be 17 in three days I'm not gonna be some young boi forever >:( AND I haven't got banned for cartoon loli in forever ):<
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day
http://i.imgur.com/rNCkhGc.gif http://i.imgur.com/BRGmYpZ.gif
i thought this topic was incredibly stupid

till i read all of those

pretty neat
*walks away*
uranus should be the bullied kid who is always the butt of all jokes
@Nomak-54 You know what you need to do. Make Gamefaqs proud.
Poll of the Day » Who is your planet waifu