40 y/o Man is in a COMA after he FELL to get his STEELERS HAT from a MONKEY!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » 40 y/o Man is in a COMA after he FELL to get his STEELERS HAT from a MONKEY!!!
Do you have a favourite piece of clothing that you could NEVER get rid of?

40 y/o Jeff "Swede" Swedenhjelm from Florida, an expat living in Bali is fighting for his life after he fell from a ROOF while chasing a MONKEY around that stole his "favourite" Pittsburgh Steelers Hat!!

He fell 33 FEET in Bali and now he's diagnosed with severe damage to his spinal cord after is paralyzed from the chest down after villagers took him to a local hospital

20 y/o Lyric Swedenhjelm, his daughter, who lives in Destin said the family is trying to get her father to the country with a spinal specialist.

Jeff is in a medically induced coma and is on a ventilator who is a 'very popular" social guy

Lyric said he moved to Bali years ago and has NO MONEY NOR MEDICAL INSURANCE and have started a gofundme page which has raised over 40,000 so far

The gofundme was written from HIS perspective says "'Ladies and gentlemen, I am reaching out to all of you in a state of paralysis. A few nights ago, in Bali, I had an accident that has crippled me from the chest down, and has only allowed me to feel a tingling sensation in hands and arms. Other than that the only parts are working are my head and my heart, which is how I hope to reach you. Early diagnosis is that full recovery is rare and partial recovery will take at least 3 months to gain feeling in my lower extremities and possibly over a year to walk again. Obviously this is going to incur a great deal of medical expenses. I am hopeful that the time we shared on this wonderful planet has given me enough love and respect in your heart to make you want to help. I have never been the one to ask for help, especially in monetary form, but any help will be taken to heart. Thank you all in advance. One Love. <3 Swede'"

Do you have a favourite piece of clothing that you could NEVER get rid of?.

Jeff - In Hospital


Jeff and his daughter Lyric -





call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
OK, I'll bite. What series of events led to a monkey stealing his hat on a roof?
Who's your favorite character from "Bend It Like Beckham"? And you can't say Beckham.
He looks crazy young to have a daughter that age.

Golden Road posted...
OK, I'll bite. What series of events led to a monkey stealing his hat on a roof?

He's living in Bali. Bali has monkeys. Not everything is a big story.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
i seem them on the video's.... those monkey's will take off with your stuff if not careful.
though i feel a bit bad for the guy affected, i wouldn't go after them for taking a hat.
I'd hate to be that guy. he'll be dodging freak accidents for the rest of his life now. Final Destination rules - RickyTheBAWSE
Ban monkeys.
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Poll of the Day » 40 y/o Man is in a COMA after he FELL to get his STEELERS HAT from a MONKEY!!!