Gonna say NO to the friend zone

Poll of the Day

Should I...

I have known this amazing chick for about 3-4 months now and shes always had a boyfriend for about a year or so. So recently I got pretty busy where we couldnt see each other and now she wants to make sure it doesnt happen again so its like some weird preemptive friend zone thing.

So I talked it over with some people close to me and decided I should just tell her how I feel and that Im super into her and dont see us as friends because shes more of a love interest. And Ive pretty much been into her for long time, but I do generally respect that shes in a relationship.

At this point she can either tell me she feels the same way and wants to go forward or that shes happy in her relationship, which in that case we need to stay at an arms length.

Ite pretty stressful and I dont really want to hurt her feelings but it needs to be done.

I was actually going to tell her on Monday when I went to see her for about 2 hours, but she was sick and irritable and could barely talk louder than a whisper...she also said she didnt want to talk which I figured and to call her tomorrow night. I told her it was important. Anyway, I texted her in the afternoon and she said she was still in a lot of pain and not much better, so I recommended her some medicine and told her Id call later. She ended up declining my call or maybe had her phone off, which I took as her not wanting to talk and having some idea what Im going to say, or her being too sick to do so.

I was thinking of just shooting her a text but Im sensitive to her condition at the moment and am thinking Ill just wait to tell her when I see her in person maybe later this week.