How easy or hard would you rate your life so far?

Poll of the Day

minervo posted...
How easy or hard would you rate your life so far?

Let's see:

- Healthy apparently
- Young enough
- Have a good close family
- Have lots of free time to do whatever I want
- Not bad looking
- I never give up

- Have anxiety issues it seems
- Single
- Virgin
- Jobless
- Friendless
- I have bad teeth
- Always broke
- Still living at home
- I lack confidence
- I feel I'm wasting my life
- I'll die one day and that scares the shit out of me
- My sister died back on 06 from cancer she was only 26. This fuels my anxiaty somewhat.
- No matter what I do in order to change the cons I always hit a brick wall

That's all for now but I'd say my life is average. It's very easy for me to list many bad things in my life but in reality they are nothing that can't be changed for the most part. All that really matters is that I keep healthy and never give up trying to change my life for the better. Some folk definitely have it worse and some have it better than I do but anyone could say that so eh.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -