This 18 y/o MOM who had kids at 16 was ARRESTED after her NUDE Boys were Found!

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Poll of the Day » This 18 y/o MOM who had kids at 16 was ARRESTED after her NUDE Boys were Found!
Do you know any successful Moms who had Kids in their TEENS irl?

18 y/o Heifer, Jasmine Teed from Iowa is facing charges after her two 2 y/o kids were found walking NAKED on a busy highway!!

She is charged for child endangerment when her 2 boys were found walking aimlessly while naked at 9am.

Witnesses said a man was HERDING the boys back to his house near Highway 6 as they had no clothing in 43F weather

Police had difficulty waking Jasmine up who was found in her bedroom as she was "unaware" they were missing.

She is charged with 2 counts of aggravated misdemeanor child endangerment for not providing adequate supervision of her 2 children..

The children were at "substantial risk of injury" being so close to the highway and naked at cold weather.

Jasmine had the kids when she was 16 years old after becoming pregnant at FIFTEEN...she now raises them with the boys father while living at her parents house

Do you know any successful teen mothers irl?

Jasmine - Bad Mom

Where she lives -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
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why bear emoji still

Not this shit

I want a full body bear emoji

We have dumb shit but we can't get a fucking bear
A.K. 2/14/10 T.C.P.
Victorious Champion of the 1st Annual POTd Hunger Games and the POTd Battle Royale Season 3
Poll of the Day » This 18 y/o MOM who had kids at 16 was ARRESTED after her NUDE Boys were Found!