NJ Muslim Man who's a TRUMP SUPPORTER says he KNEW the NYC Terrorist!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » NJ Muslim Man who's a TRUMP SUPPORTER says he KNEW the NYC Terrorist!!!
Do you know any muslim trump supporters irl?

46 y/o Abu Mohammed, a worshipper and pariah at his Mosque said he knew the terrorist truck driver, Sayfullo Saipov as he attended the same mosque with him and said he "totally gets what he did"!!

He worships at the Omar Mosque in New Jersey who said he saw the suspect 2 months ago and said "i didnt' know him by name, but i would see him there every 2-3 months"

He's a cement mixer and lived in the states for almost 30 years as he described the murder suspect who had a "beautiful smile, a nice guy and someone who never cursed. He called me brother and id id the same back at him. I knew him for a short time"

Abu railed against US Foreign Policy by George Bush and said he understand why Sayfullo did what he did. He said it was in response to Muslis dying everyday from the ongoing conflict and doesn't understand why the media doesn't cover that. He said the US should get out of and let them run their own affairs.

But he also supported DONALD TRUMP as he admits he's a Trump supporter because he likes his immigration policies and wants religious freedom. However he's a pariah as his mosque cause he's the ONLY trump supporter who got into a scuffle with worshippers and was booted out today as they branded him a "ISIS sympathizer"

Abu said "They don't like me because i voted for Trump but i always tell them, Trump is FOR Muslims, they let the media think for them"

Saipov, an Uzbek native was a muslim who was radicalized sometime after moving to the US 7 years ago. He murdered 8 people after going into the bicycle lane with a rented truck in New York City

23 y/o Carlos Batista who lived near him said that Sayfullo had the vehicle for weeks but never saw him load or unload anything from it. He found it odd and suspicious because he never saw the family use it nor were they ever in work clothes. He also said he dressed in a traditional robes and cap while his friends were jeans and shirts..

Do you know any Muslim Trump Supporters irl?

Abu - Trump Supporter and knew terorrist


Sayfullo - Terrorist


Carlos - Neighbor

call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Full Throttle posted...
Do you know any muslim trump supporters irl?

It's possible, since I don't exactly keep track of religion or politics.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
I don't know any Muslims
Poll of the Day » NJ Muslim Man who's a TRUMP SUPPORTER says he KNEW the NYC Terrorist!!!