Have you ever drunkenly pissed in a street or alley?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Have you ever drunkenly pissed in a street or alley?
Not super uncommon in the Quarter so I legitimately am curious

I saw a snap vid of some chick doing just that last one recently and basically everyone I know who lives here is guilty

Edit: And C includes A
Living like this is a full-time business.
Hell, I've been so drunk I pissed down the stairs.
No although I have pissed in the corner in a neighbors yard while drunk
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
I don't drink (and, even when I did, never to the point of drunkeness), so no.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
I've never been drunk so no.
If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking systems, there would be a revolution before morning - Andrew Jackson
One time I pissed out a two-story window at 4 am.

Think about it. Why, specifically, wouldn't you do that? That's how you think when you're drunk.
No. I wasn't drunk at the time.
I've thrown up on a cop car in SF once.
When I was in Thailand last year I peed in front of a memorial image of the now deceased king of Thailand. If anyone had've caught me I'd probably have been murdered in a Thai jail by now.

I have plenty of other lower risk times I've peed in public though. Sometimes you just gotta go.
kind9 posted...
No. I wasn't drunk at the time.

This. They were in the bathroom for 2 hours! What was I supposed to do?!
Stupid signature!
Probably. I don't remember.
I was coming home from a bar, got my friend to pull over and I jumped out and pissed on a building. I just knew I wouldn't have made it back to our place without pissing my pants.
Gamertag: F1RE v2 PSN ID: F1REx
Man got me a 9 and she sexy.
Not drunkenly no. I've done it sober 100s of times, alleys, streets, cars, etc. Even one time in the backseat of a really old POS car, we lifted up the floor mats and peed through the rust holes while driving.
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
Oh yeah, I have. A few times. I've always made sure to find some cover so I'm not entirely exposing myself, and I only did it when a bathroom wasn't an option.
Yes. But it wasn’t like I didn’t know what I was doing or was so far gone that I just went. I had been drinking, was on my way home, had to pee and every shop I went into and asked if I could use the restroom wouldn’t let me. So I said fuck it and peed in an alley. I tried to be civilized and they didn’t want to let me so I did what I had to do.
You look EXTREMELY immature when you announce that you're about to ignore someone. No one cares, including the person about to be ignored. Just FYI.
For some reason I read the title as passed and assumed that all these people had passed out in an alley while drunk.
Tony Gonzalez is the best TE ever, nobody is even close to being as great as him.
SinisterSlay posted...
Not drunkenly no. I've done it sober 100s of times, alleys, streets, cars, etc. Even one time in the backseat of a really old POS car, we lifted up the floor mats and peed through the rust holes while driving .

I mean…

JamaalCharles39 posted...
For some reason I read the title as passed and assumed that all these people had passed out in an alley while drunk.

My next poll
Living like this is a full-time business.
Poll of the Day » Have you ever drunkenly pissed in a street or alley?