Robert E Lee V, GREAT GREAT GRANDSON of Robert E Lee says REMOVE the Statues!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Robert E Lee V, GREAT GREAT GRANDSON of Robert E Lee says REMOVE the Statues!!!
Do you agree with the great great grandson to put these statues in a museum?

54 y/o Robert E Lee V, the great-great Grandson of Civil War General Racist, Robert E Lee said he is "fine" with the removal of the Confederate statues!!

He lives in Washington DC who condemned the violence by the alt-right neo-Nazi and White Supremacists in Charlottesville and said it would be more appropriate for these statues to move to a museum and not be displayed in public

The president drew criticism when he said there was to blame on BOTH sides as there was very FINE PEOPLE in the crowd who said they were just protesting the removal of the statue Robert E Lee

Robert E Lee said "Eventually, someone is going to have to make a decision, and if that's the local lawmaker, so be it. But we have to be able to have that conversation without all the hatred and the violence. And if they choose to take those statues down, fine.

He's an athletic director of a Virginia school who said it was appropriate to have them in museums or to put them in some sort of historical context in that regard. He said "Those sorts of acts on Saturday, that's just not to be tolerated. We feel strongly that Gen. Lee would never ever stand for that sort of violence"

Trump drew more criticism when he said "Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. You can't change history, but you can learn from it. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson, who's next? Washington? Jefferson? So Foolish!"

Robert E Lee was vilified during the civil war only to become a heroic symbol of the South's "Lost Cause" and then became a racist icon.

Monuments in Boston and New York have been coming down as mayors have been removing them after the horrific attacks that happened in Virginia.

Doo you agree with Robert E Lee V? let's see what people will vote.

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Poll of the Day » Robert E Lee V, GREAT GREAT GRANDSON of Robert E Lee says REMOVE the Statues!!!