43 y/o Respected Mexican is DEPORTED after 29 YEARS as TRUMP ordered him OUT!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » 43 y/o Respected Mexican is DEPORTED after 29 YEARS as TRUMP ordered him OUT!!!
Do you think Andres should have been deported?

43 y/o Respected Coffee Farmer Andres Magana Ortiz from Hawaii was forced to leave his wife and 3 children and return to Mexico after living in the US for 28 years!!

He came to America illegally when he was 15 with his mother and moved to hawaii to pick coffee as a migrant worker.

Now he's one of the most respected coffee farmers in the Kona district

He's been trying to get legal citizenship and his wife and daughter both filed for permission to let him stay as the relative of a ctizien and even had Hawaii's congressional delegation try to intervenet but the Department of Homeland Security ordered him OUT by March

After his lawyer appealed the order he was ordered to leave again but granted a 30 day reprieve and agreed to leave voluntarily after the agreement could not be reached..

He left Hawaii on Friday night and even paid for his own tickets out to a country where he no longer has family..

His 20 y/o daughter, Victoria Magana Ledesma said "We said our goodbyes at home. My dad decided it was better for my brother and my sister to not go all the way to the airport"

Andres said "Very, very sad and very disappointed in many ways but there's not much i can do. Just follow what i have to do and hopefully in a little bit, things can get better"

His family is still fighting to get back as his case gained national attention when a 9th US Circuit Judge criticized the Trump administration for deporting him after Trump said there was "bad hombres" in America that have to go....obviously his family said he was not one of them.

Do you think he should have been deported?.

Andres and his family -





Andre leaving -


Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
If he's married to a US citizen, why would he be deported? >_> Oh well, he should count himself lucky for staying 29 years considering he'd have been kicked in less than a year if he snuck into Canada.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Those aren't the illegals people meant
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mrduckbear posted...
43 y/o Respected Coffee Farmer Andres Magana Ortiz from Hawaii was forced to leave his wife and 3 children and return to Mexico after living in the US for 28 years!!

He came to America illegally when he was 15 with his mother and moved to hawaii to pick coffee as a migrant worker.

Now he's one of the most respected coffee farmers in the Kona district

The hills that Drumpf decides to live or die on still don't make sense-he might have been an illegal originally but now he's that great conservative talking point, the "JOB CREATOR". Strange choice there.
I guess he should have invested in coal instead.
Mod me? You don't even know me!
Fair. Next.
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I won't say a thing, because the one who knows best is you.
Lokarin posted...
Those aren't the illegals people meant

In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
If he's married to a US citizen, why would he be deported? >_> Oh well, he should count himself lucky for staying 29 years considering he'd have been kicked in less than a year if he snuck into Canada.

Really? I thought we just torched our own culture while offering BJs and cash prizes to any who wash up on our shores...
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
He had 29 years to get citizenship.

Fair, next.
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he's had almost three decades to apply for citizenship.

fair, next.
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I am conflicted, while he did have 29 years to do this, no one seemed to care he was there for that long and he's lived here in the states longer then I have been alive. He is a family man and a hard worker, this isnt the kind of man I want deported.
Isn't Trump suppose to deport major criminals not common people who done minor crimes.?
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deoxxys posted...
I am conflicted, while he did have 29 years to do this, no one seemed to care he was there for that long and he's lived here in the states longer then I have been alive. He is a family man and a hard worker, this isnt the kind of man I want deported.

More or less my thoughts. He still committed a crime but honestly, at that age, some youth are not fully aware of what is happening. Granted 15 years old is on the older side. There's gotta be some resources to allow for someone who is able to review special cases such as this. The world isn't all black and white.
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deoxxys posted...
I am conflicted, while he did have 29 years to do this, no one seemed to care he was there for that long and he's lived here in the states longer then I have been alive. He is a family man and a hard worker, this isnt the kind of man I want deported.

It seems all it takes is for one person to care and depending on who that one person is...
Spliiiish! Ka-Boom!!!
Good people or not, it's not legal to sneak into the US and live there illegally. That's also the case for almost every other country as well. This guy scammed the system for 29 years.
Everything is awesome

He came to America illegally


Kick him the fuck out

This dude had 29 years to get citizenship and just said fuck it
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Peterass posted...
Good people or not, it's not legal to sneak into the US and live there illegally. That's also the case for almost every other country as well. This guy scammed the system for 29 years.

Try telling that to a native American about all the European's that invaded North and South American when it was already occupied by long established peoples. The sad fact seems to really be whoever owns the best weapons belongs where ever they want to be regardless of what the law of the land is where they want to be. This fellow is kinda doing the same thing only he didn't use any sort of weapon to get to be here. The real fact is most of the people in the america's came from people that never had a right to be there in the first place.
SmokeMassTree posted...

He came to America illegally


Kick him the fuck out

This dude had 29 years to get citizenship and just said fuck it
Onore Dikeido
DynamicD posted...
Isn't Trump suppose to deport major criminals not common people who done minor crimes.?

First off, Trump isn't personally deporting anybody. Second, ICE is supposed to deport ANYBODY here illegally. Criminals are a higher priority (in theory), but anybody here illegally is breaking the law and needs to go if for no other reason than to not encourage others to keep doing it.

Playsaver posted...
Peterass posted...
Good people or not, it's not legal to sneak into the US and live there illegally. That's also the case for almost every other country as well. This guy scammed the system for 29 years.

Try telling that to a native American about all the European's that invaded North and South American when it was already occupied by long established peoples. The sad fact seems to really be whoever owns the best weapons belongs where ever they want to be regardless of what the law of the land is where they want to be. This fellow is kinda doing the same thing only he didn't use any sort of weapon to get to be here. The real fact is most of the people in the america's came from people that never had a right to be there in the first place.

Then he should have come here with an army and conquered the country. Frankly, that's his own fault as well.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
If he's married to a US citizen, why would he be deported?

Cause we have a total blunderfuckhead in the white house
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Mead posted...
Zeus posted...
If he's married to a US citizen, why would he be deported?

Cause we have a total blunderfuckhead in the white house

Except the president has zero bearing on that. Even if the president wanted to deport a legal citizen, he wouldn't be able to.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Poll of the Day » 43 y/o Respected Mexican is DEPORTED after 29 YEARS as TRUMP ordered him OUT!!!