Do you like this okie-dokier: Barack Obama

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you like this okie-dokier: Barack Obama
Do you?

There's a lot about him I despise, the hypocrisy, arrogance, creating horrible racial tension in the country, and being an effeminate tool, but I generally think he did an alright job as president.

Bernie Sanders: 66.7%
Donald J. Trump: 32.3%
Hillary Clinton: 22.8%
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
There's a lot about him I despise, the hypocrisy, arrogance, creating horrible racial tension in the country, and being an effeminate tool

You also just described Donald Trump.
WastelandCowboy posted...
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
There's a lot about him I despise, the hypocrisy, arrogance, creating horrible racial tension in the country, and being an effeminate tool

You also just described Donald Trump.
PotDs UnOfficial President and Official Sheldon Cooper
Obama was on the surface pretty amazing. Unfortunately he didn't do anything to pull the plug on the war machine. Maybe he didn't want to be the next jfk, maybe he just needed that side money. Maybe he believed we actually needed to keep going.

He's not well known for standing up to the establishment. We did know him for trying to push common sense social policies. I think we all know who put him here, and those same people are pushing for Conservatives elsewhere.
WastelandCowboy posted...
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
There's a lot about him I despise, the hypocrisy, arrogance, creating horrible racial tension in the country, and being an effeminate tool

You also just described Donald Trump.

Or basically any politician, at least Trump gets called out and ridiculed for it. Also Trump is definitely an alpha. What other president can have the quote, "Grab them by the pussy" attributed to them?
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
WastelandCowboy posted...
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
There's a lot about him I despise, the hypocrisy, arrogance, creating horrible racial tension in the country, and being an effeminate tool

You also just described Donald Trump.

Or basically any politician, at least Trump gets called out and ridiculed for it. Also Trump is definitely an alpha. What other president can have the quote, "Grab them by the pussy" attributed to them?

None, because they would have never made such a crude and sexist comment.
WastelandCowboy posted...
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
WastelandCowboy posted...
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
There's a lot about him I despise, the hypocrisy, arrogance, creating horrible racial tension in the country, and being an effeminate tool

You also just described Donald Trump.

Or basically any politician, at least Trump gets called out and ridiculed for it. Also Trump is definitely an alpha. What other president can have the quote, "Grab them by the pussy" attributed to them?

None, because they would have never made such a crude and sexist comment.

Besides by being elected, how does Obama contribute to racial tension?
green dragon posted...
Besides by being elected, how does Obama contribute to racial tension?

"If I had a son"
green dragon posted...
Besides by being elected, how does Obama contribute to racial tension?

Defending a racist, terrorist group.
Damn, did I miss the Bernie Sanders topic? Bernie Sanders is awful. He made Ted "Let's see if sand can glow" Cruz look good by comparison.

Obama was a lousy president. I wouldn't rank him among the worst, but he's a bit worse than mediocre.

WastelandCowboy posted...
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
WastelandCowboy posted...
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
There's a lot about him I despise, the hypocrisy, arrogance, creating horrible racial tension in the country, and being an effeminate tool

You also just described Donald Trump.

Or basically any politician, at least Trump gets called out and ridiculed for it. Also Trump is definitely an alpha. What other president can have the quote, "Grab them by the pussy" attributed to them?

None, because they would have never made such a crude and sexist comment.

No, instead Bernie Sanders just accuses women of having fantasies about being raped by multiple men. And Hillary laughs at a 13 y/o rape victim's ordeal.
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
WastelandCowboy posted...
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
There's a lot about him I despise, the hypocrisy, arrogance, creating horrible racial tension in the country, and being an effeminate tool

You also just described Donald Trump.

Or basically any politician, at least Trump gets called out and ridiculed for it. Also Trump is definitely an alpha. What other president can have the quote, "Grab them by the pussy" attributed to them?

Applying a general value to every human subject is a sign you're ignorant when it comes to understanding human social behavior.
PotDs UnOfficial President and Official Sheldon Cooper
Aaantlion posted...
Damn, did I miss the Bernie Sanders topic? Bernie Sanders is awful. He made Ted "Let's see if sand can glow" Cruz look good by comparison.

Obama was a lousy president. I wouldn't rank him among the worst, but he's a bit worse than mediocre.

WastelandCowboy posted...
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
WastelandCowboy posted...
TheOrangeMisfit posted...
There's a lot about him I despise, the hypocrisy, arrogance, creating horrible racial tension in the country, and being an effeminate tool

You also just described Donald Trump.

Or basically any politician, at least Trump gets called out and ridiculed for it. Also Trump is definitely an alpha. What other president can have the quote, "Grab them by the pussy" attributed to them?

None, because they would have never made such a crude and sexist comment.

No, instead Bernie Sanders just accuses women of having fantasies about being raped by multiple men. And Hillary laughs at a 13 y/o rape victim's ordeal.

Mother Jones dug up a 1972 essay that Bernie Sanders wrote for the Vermont Freeman, an alternative newspaper. The article, called, "Man-and-Woman," is a commentary on gender roles. But it's also caused a stir, as is bound to happen anytime a candidate mentions rape.

If you haven't been following the hubbub, read on for a rundown of what the controversy is all about.

So what did Bernie Sanders write and what did he say about rape?
The essay by the Vermont senator, who officially kicked off his presidential campaign this week, isn't long — only a page. Warning: The bit about rape comes at the very beginning, as does some not-totally-safe-for-work language:

"A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.
"A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.
"The man and woman get dressed up on Sunday — and go to Church, or maybe to their 'revolutionary' political meeting.
"Have you ever looked at the Stag, Man, Hero, Tough magazines on the shelf of your local bookstore? Do you know why the newspaper with the articles like 'Girl 12 raped by 14 men' sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?"
Sanders then goes on to explain his ideas about gender roles and eventually gets at a sharper point — that traditional gender roles help create troubling dynamics in men's and women's sex lives.

"Many women seem to be walking a tightrope," he writes, as their "qualities of love, openness, and gentleness were too deeply enmeshed with qualities of dependency, subservience, and masochism."

In all due respect, he wrote that in 1972. A person's views can change in 40+ years.
TheOrangeMisfit posted...

Yeah maybe if Bender was a creep who grabbed women by the pussy without "even waiting"
WastelandCowboy posted...
In all due respect, he wrote that in 1972. A person's views can change in 40+ years.

Be that as it may, this is the same Bernie Sanders who in 2016 was talking about needing to get blacks off street corners. He has a history with words that would make Joe Biden blush.
Aaantlion posted...
WastelandCowboy posted...
In all due respect, he wrote that in 1972. A person's views can change in 40+ years.

Be that as it may, this is the same Bernie Sanders who in 2016 was talking about needing to get blacks off street corners. He has a history with words that would make Joe Biden blush.

Hey now. Don't be messing with my bro Joe.
Poll of the Day » Do you like this okie-dokier: Barack Obama