These 2 Right-Wing Students including a CHINESE Kid want to STOP PROGRESSIVES!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » These 2 Right-Wing Students including a CHINESE Kid want to STOP PROGRESSIVES!!!
What do you identify yourself as?

US Universities are often known for progressive students but since Trump won the election, his conservative loners are stepping out of the sahdows and becoming VOCAL..and including one ASIAN kid who admits he's one of the few conservatives at his Harvard University School!!

Sterling Beard, Editor in Chief of Campus Reform says "Conservative Students are becoming less hesitant to speak out" and says the recent violence at Berkley makes their job easier because so many of their "liberal" peers have become "hysterical"

2 new students who are coming out of the woods, Nick Fuentes at Boston University and Willian Long, an asian student at Harvard who say they are happy to go into battle to defend their ideas against their majority opposing camp.

Both voted for Trump but for different reasons..

William Long, a 20 y/o son of Chinese Immigrants from Oklahoma pursuing a double major in computer science and government is a "traditional" Republican who is anti-aborition, socially and fiscally conservative as he wants to tell people to "conserve the good things". He was however uncomfortable to voice his fact that he voted for Trump despite a torrent of anti-Trump sentiment at Harvard where less than 5% of the student body identify as cosnervative.

William believes every child deserves the right to life and that gay people are an ABOMINATION which he greatly disagrees with and hopes they get "gay conversion therapy"

Nick on the other hand, who studies international relationships and poli sci is more RADICAL who identifies himself as a NEW RIGHT or ALT RIGHT who wants to halt immigration and denounce political correctness he sees everywhere.

He's an ardent Trump supporter who walks around with a Make America Great Again hat and shirts but he is a PARIAH on campus as he claims he gets harassed on social media every week and given death threats by people right in his face.

Nick he said he could have easiliy gone to a consevative college but said "What's the fun in that? I figured i'd agree with everybody there. I'd rather shake things up and help these brainwashed liberals"

Nick believes America was great during the OLD DAYS when America was majority white as he channels his ideas on Right Side Broadcasting Network.

Neither expect to change the views of college students, at least not in the short term but believe conservativism is rising thanks to active duty US soldiers or veterans on campus who TALK to students about why conservativism on the right side of history.

Nick said he still has 3 years to blend his conservatism on his Boston Campus and wants to learn from Trump and how they can use his win to tell people why their way of thinking is morally and factually acceptable. He admits it's not easy to tell people why being Gay is WRONG but says he will try EVERYDAY to tell people that..

What do you identify yourself as?.

Nick - Freak

William - Loner

Trump - Evil Smile
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Poll of the Day » These 2 Right-Wing Students including a CHINESE Kid want to STOP PROGRESSIVES!!!