This 19 y/o REPUBLICAN armed with a MACHETE attacked LIBERALS at a University!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » This 19 y/o REPUBLICAN armed with a MACHETE attacked LIBERALS at a University!!!
Do you think this whacko deserves prison?

19 y/o University Drop Out and Whacko, Mitchell Adkins, a former student at Kentucky's "Transylvania University" grilled people on campus on their political affiliation while holding a MACHETE..before attacking those that said DEMOCRAT and injured 2 of them in the attack!!

It happened at 9am at Jazzman's Cafe Coffee when witnesses said a man entered the cafe and demanded the political affiliation of those inside before attacking them

Mitchell was armed with a machete and knives when he went in as witness and student, Tristan Reynolds said "A guy came in, banged something, a hatchet or an axe on the table said the day of reckoning has come. He asked somebody what their political affiliation was, they said Republican and he said you are safe. And then i realized what was going on and started getting people out. We started to scatter and then very, very quickly, campus security was getting everybody sheltered and secure"

Michael Soder also witnessed it and confirmed the account. He said that Mitchell dressed like a contractor and carried a tool bag. He said "He just pulled out the hatchet and just kind of hit it on the table and we all just looked over there. The biggest shock was just students didn't know what was going on, didn't know if this was something serious, you just never expect something like that to happen on your campus"

He was quickly subdued after attacking a FEMALE STUDENT who identified herself as a democrat and was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Another female student was attacked but was treated on site at campus.

Mitchell is now facing first degree assault, 3 counts of wanton endangerment and 4th degree assault.

Michele Sparks, a spokesperson said there were 30 people inside the Cafe and a staffer alerted police by pushing the silent alarm. She said he cooperated with police at first after dropping his weapon but then a minor scuffle occurred when arresting him.

He dropped out in 2015 after he wrote a community post titled "Discrimination of Conservatives In Liberal Arts" in November 2015. He wrote "How a fight for equality has resulted in discrimination on a whole new level. I a proud of who i am, but this school has shown me that it's not okay to be Republican anymore. All of these people who are all about non-discrimination and against bullies and all for equality, are more happy to turn around and scream at someone for being different, kick him to the ground and leave him there. I am not the bigot at this school, it is those who go back on their beliefs in order to encourage them".

Mitchell dropped out soon after over the constant bullying and lack of friends that drove him to OVERDOSE and 2 trips to the mental hospital because the constant though tof not having friends was "too much to bear" for him.

Do you think this freak deserves Prison?

Mitchell - Nutjob Loner

Tristan - Witness

Michael - Witness

Where it happened -
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
Both? Besides the charges for the assault he still need some mental help.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
Pretty much what happens when violent gangs like Antifa are allowed to run rampant. Extremism breeds extremism.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
Pretty much what happens when violent gangs like Antifa are allowed to run rampant. Extremism breeds extremism.

Yep, that's why I'm in support of the National Guard keeping Antifa at bay.
"In the name of the future moon I shall punish you"-Chibi Moon
I fail to see what he did wrong ;)
Hello filth, I didn't see you standing there
Anyone looking for trouble then realizing their dreams is in the wrong. Whether it's due to insanity or assholery determines what their form of punishment should be. I think the biggest cause of things like this isn't actually mental illness, but the increasing stupidity of the general population. Idiocracy was a prophecy.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
Zeus posted...
Pretty much what happens when violent gangs like Antifa are allowed to run rampant. Extremism breeds extremism.

How sweet of you to respond to a topic about a violent conservative by criticizing violent liberals

Your mind is truly a mental gymnasium
"because I like to troll" -yourDaddie
mrduckbear posted...

Mitchell is now facing first degree assault, 3 counts of wanton endangerment and 4th degree assault.

No terrorism charges? He is literally attacking people for their political belief.
I am awesome and so are you.
Lenny gone but not forgotten. - 12/10/2015
Mead posted...
Zeus posted...
Pretty much what happens when violent gangs like Antifa are allowed to run rampant. Extremism breeds extremism.

How sweet of you to respond to a topic about a violent conservative by criticizing violent liberals

Your mind is truly a mental gymnasium

How sweet of you to ignore the fact that I said that this sort of stuff was going to happen back when Antifa's nonsense was just starting up.

Your mind is truly a soundless echo chamber.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Poll of the Day » This 19 y/o REPUBLICAN armed with a MACHETE attacked LIBERALS at a University!!!