08/15/2009 01:12:20 PM
01:12 PM
STEALTH REIN OF TERROR TRAP TOPIC. You must now post your favorite character from this epic story by smurf!
this is my life... I have all this potential and I don't even get to
test it out nor will I ever be able to try it out. Whats the point in
living if you have no goal."I looked up and saw Bailey staring at me
puzzled "what are you sayin Rein""im saying that this town isnt big
enough to hold me I need to know?"I jumped on the roof of my house and
spun a wooden stick around, ya see now imagine if I had a blade instead
of a twig!!!! Imagine how strong I'd be.. Just the thought of that made
me sit down and stare up into the sky. "Quit your daydreaming Rein
theres enough violence in this world without you adding to it and
besides there is plenty of goals you could have in this town" I
assholeed at the idea of a goal doing something like a potato farmer or
maybe I could own a shop. yeah right fighting was the only thing for me
and it wasn't to cause violence it was to protect the world from the
gobus and one day I will destroy their floating ship in the sky no that
was a goal.I had enough of Baileys attitude because I had my mind made
up " im going to the coliseium in craineington wheter you approve or
not". That night I couldn't sleep because I knew I was leaving this
hole and finally fulfiling my dreams. Yeah I will enter the competition
in craineington and some rebel groups might spot me and ask me to join
them and then we would destroy the gobu empire and I would return to
Nevavile a hero!!!! I couldn't tell my parents about this because I
know they wouldn't approve but its something I have to do and it
wouldn't be the first time I ran away... besides Im practicly and adult
so its about time I left I care about what Bailey has to say, hes a
good friend but just doesent understand what im talking about. I had
all my stuff packed so I decided it was time that I left. As I stepped
outside I took one last look at the house and knew that when I next
returned I would be a hero and everyone would be proud of me. I would
miss bailey as he was the best friend I have ever had, but he would
never come with me so I had to choose a friend or my destiny and I had
to choose my destiny. I took one last look at the moonlit town and then
hit the road for craineington. The journey was quiet mainly because it
was night time and I had nobody with me. I kinda missed Bailey even if
he did fuss all the time but I was sure that I would soon forget about
him when my fighting carreer had begun. I also had taken some money
from home to buy myself a proper weapon, I didn't like takeing the
money but I would pay it back soon enough. I saw the lights of the city
of craineington. It had always been a big and lively city but was well
protected by its army so I had never really explored it. I knew that it
had many secrets especially its castle nestled in the center of the
city. As I approached the gate of the city I noticed 2 large soldiers
gaurding the way. I really didn't fancy taking them on so I knew that I
must act mannerly towards them."Hello good soldiers I am here to
compete in your tournament"They looked at me in confusion and one of
them stifled a smirk. " listen kid this is no place for your jokes ok!
So run along now" Rage hit me I couldn't believe that they werent
taking me seriously and after all the way I had travelled "listen to me
I have travelled all the way from nevavile to fight in this tournament
and I brought money to buy a weapon and.. Hold on boys. A large white
man had walked over to us. "General snowy sir this child was." "It
doesent matter what age the lad is if he has money to spend on a
weapnon and he has the fighters heart then that's all you need to
compete. I watched as the 2 gaurds opened the gate to the city of
craineington. There was so many people here I couldn't believe it.
Thanks for knocking me up! -Kali101
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