~*~ The Top 10 Liabilities to Board 8 ~*~

GameFAQs Contests

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GameFAQs Contests » ~*~ The Top 10 Liabilities to Board 8 ~*~
Users who contribute nothing but facepalms, annoyance, the clicking of ignore buttons and generally just need to get the fuck off Board 8.

Smurf . The cream of cream Fanboyism

The cow has no allegiances. It desires only destruction and death. - OddName
Nah, I'll stick around.
whoa a list I may make
boring and mundane signature
Now with more bold!
Start it up Smurf
Not going to change this sig until Geno is in another game
all hail ec your lord and savior
oh I thought we were voting, my bad
all hail ec your lord and savior
Messages cannot be blank.
Oh shit I seem to remember Smurf hating my stinking guts.

This isn't going to go well.

Retaliation. Tit for tit.
- Dwight
Oh shit I seem to remember Smurf hating my stinking guts.

This isn't going to go well.

Don't worry, nobody takes Smurf seriously, anyway.
What, you think ponies grow on trees?
What kind of question is that? It's a large, four-legged mammal...
Predix: 1. SmartMuffin
Forget ye FastFalcon
~*~ 10. Swift ~*~

You used to be interesting and cool to talk to. Now? Strutting around in your lowercase reminding people how unattached you are to the board is pathetic, it's Albion pathetic. Get a hobby, a shift key and for the last time nobody fuckin cares about how you dress yourself you annoying. metro. douche.
Smurf . The cream of Sonic Fanboyism
you're like some devious internet fiend - Majin
no one cares how you type, you annoying. european. cockbag.

all hail ec your lord and savior

*hoots and hollers*

if this were top 100 I'd be much more likely to squeeze in
considering that I came in like, last on your user contest
damn you!!!
Fastfalcon is only good for cooking, cleaning, and sex.
1. Smurf not eating wang. or following up on a lot of stuff.
Member Of The Book Club
09/10/07: When Will Smurf Eat Wang?
More like contra-assets than liabilities, but alright I'll go ahead and tag.
ssjgotenks, tagging.
~*~ 9. SephirothG ~*~

YOU are what is wrong with america, idiotic dicks who don't understand a single thing about politics or having an open mind and lap up every last shred of propaganda that Fox News pumps into your feeble mind. Enjoy your battle with the invisible "terrorists" enemy but just shut the fuck up on reminding us what a paranoid tool you are.

Smurf . The cream of cream Fanboyism
~*~ 9. SephirothG ~*~

YOU are what is wrong with america, idiotic dicks who don't understand a single thing about politics or having an open mind and lap up every last shred of propaganda that Fox News pumps into your feeble mind. Enjoy your battle with the invisible "terrorists" enemy but just shut the fuck up on reminding us what a paranoid tool you are.

You do realize that he probably doesn't believe half of what he says, right?

imagine the Gold Saucer music being played at the end of Disc 1 spoilers in FFVII. - Diet Water
...and that even if he did, he'd still be smarter than you.

all hail ec your lord and savior
You do realize that he probably doesn't believe half of what he says, right?

and smurf does?
I'm Ryoko
This is my Chocomander, Chompers
~*~ 8. Smurf ~*~

Make more board 8 RPGs
"You have a drinking problem, don't I?" -Space Ghost
See quote for current projects
~*~ 8. CycloReaper ~*~

You're easier to wind up than a wind up doll holding a giant sign proclaiming "PLEASE WIND ME UP OH GOD DO IT!" with an arrow pointing to the wind up mechanism. And Sess has and will continue to floor you because of that until you grow a pair and stop being so easily frustrated by what other people say.

Smurf . The cream of cream Fanboyism
Finally! A list I can top ! ^_^
If there's anything I hate more than the MGS2 Theme, it's FastFalcon!
NOMINATE WIND WAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Better get through this quickly before it gets modded.
and smurf does?

Clearly he does, or he wouldn't say

YOU are what is wrong with america, idiotic dicks who don't understand a single thing about politics or having an open mind and lap up every last shred of propaganda that Fox News pumps into your feeble mind. Enjoy your battle with the invisible "terrorists" enemy but just shut the fuck up on reminding us what a paranoid tool you are.

imagine the Gold Saucer music being played at the end of Disc 1 spoilers in FFVII. - Diet Water
You do realize that he probably doesn't believe half of what he says, right?

I've known him from a few years back, he was the guy who made and maintained about 20 rally topics at once and I don't think he's type or clever enough to troll like that. I'd well believe what he says is what he believes.

Smurf . The cream of cream Fanboyism
aww this was such a good list up until #8 :(
So when a black kid with a single mom who works two jobs shoots a man in the street, should we blame Doug? ~ Cokes
when do you gain the ability to ignore?

level 31 or 32 accounts?
Can I tell you that you are the purple in me?
~*~ 9. SephirothG ~*~

YOU are what is wrong with america, idiotic dicks who don't understand a single thing about politics or having an open mind and lap up every last shred of propaganda that Fox News pumps into your feeble mind. Enjoy your battle with the invisible "terrorists" enemy but just shut the fuck up on reminding us what a paranoid tool you are.

It's people like yourself who are the reasons why Ireland hasn't grown a pair and taken back that crappy little northern section from your British overlords. You should thank God no one besides some disgruntled IRA drunkards want to attack your nation.

FastFalcon:Me :: NY:NJ
My boyfriend is uncut and I laugh at him and ask him if I can put pennies in there. He doesn't appreciate it much~ Ryoko
I have no idea why everyone thinks i am easy to wind up. I never get angry or anything. Is actually responding rather then ignoring people somehow showing i am easily wound up? it seems like running away would be what i would do if i got so frustrated at what other people said.
I'm Ryoko
This is my Chocomander, Chompers
aww this was such a good list up until #8 :(

funny... as soon as 8 came I thought "oh hey... maybe this list won't be that terrible"

all hail ec your lord and savior
topic of the day, IMO, for many reasons

imagine the Gold Saucer music being played at the end of Disc 1 spoilers in FFVII. - Diet Water
~*~ 7. freac~*~

freac reminds me of a chick constantly on her period. He's forever on edge and forever bitching about every little thing anyone ever says. He's so volatile it doesn't matter what you're talking about he'll try to pick a fight with you.

Smurf . The cream of cream Fanboyism
Cyclo gave us the hay bale topic. He doesn't belong on this list.

The cow has no allegiances. It desires only destruction and death. - OddName

From: Cyclo_Reaper | #036
I have no idea why everyone thinks i am easy to wind up.

Because you're ridiculously easy to wind up.
Smurf . The cream of Sonic Fanboyism
you're like some devious internet fiend - Majin
you are both incorrect

the list was terrible at its conception stage

just more smurf being outrageous to try to get attention.
I'm Ryoko
This is my Chocomander, Chompers
lol cyclo

all hail ec your lord and savior
obviously it was terrible from the get-go, but number 8 added some some surprising flavor

all hail ec your lord and savior

From: __Smurf__ | Posted: 1/22/2009 4:34:02 PM | #041
Because you're ridiculously easy to wind up.

Para is worse
TurnTurnTurn your brain in. ~*ST*~
Now Playing: Mother 3, MGS: Portable Ops, Chrono Trigger, Mario Kart Wii
Smurf's just upset because his family died from lack of potatoes
FastFalcon:Me :: NY:NJ
My boyfriend is uncut and I laugh at him and ask him if I can put pennies in there. He doesn't appreciate it much~ Ryoko
And Jameson
FastFalcon:Me :: NY:NJ
My boyfriend is uncut and I laugh at him and ask him if I can put pennies in there. He doesn't appreciate it much~ Ryoko
Users who contribute nothing but facepalms

do you mean people who post things that are really dumb, or people who post "*facepalms*"? if it's the former, I disagree, as those are some of the most entertaining people for me!
spork for president - metroid composite
~*~ 6. Shaggy ~*~

hey guys i like shit music, getting high and trying to force an authoritative voice an internet message board.
Shaggy is basically diet neon if diet neon was made with toxic farm manure. He never posts longer than 1 sentence yet posts these about 300 times a day so I appreciate the challenge he faces to come across as not being an annoying prick.

Smurf . The cream of cream Fanboyism

GameFAQs Contests » ~*~ The Top 10 Liabilities to Board 8 ~*~
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