This is a message for luster from the mods [ascii]

GameFAQs Contests

Message From Paladin_Luster at 2006-10-18 21:22:41
This is probably the best form for what I want to say.

As for what happened last night with the vote stuffing, I would like to apologize for that. I am sorry for vote stuffing though.

After getting axed for vote stuffing with accounts on my usermap (first time) and also for using a proxy to vote stuff, I will not vote stuff anymore. When I decided to vote stuff last night, I used a proxy along with a bunch of accounts that weren't on my usermap. I thought I would be safe. I have no clue how you managed to catch me vote stuffing.

Message From GameFAQs at 2006-10-19 00:07:56
Pick _one_ account. You only get one for the forseeable future; after pulling the same stunt twice, you no longer will be afforded the privilege of multiple accounts.
Feedback Status: Response Needed - Your are needed to respond to a follow-up to your message from GameFAQs.

Married to PepsiPlunge June 01, 2005: HERO'S PLUNGE!
(Metal Gear Solid 2)