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Topic My best friend and I saw a mutual friend's father's profile on an dating site RevolverSaro 04/08/12 4:17:00 PM #10
we weren't. There is some zoosk site that when you register, it pops up with people you may know. The friend's dad was one of them
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic My best friend and I saw a mutual friend's father's profile on an dating site RevolverSaro 04/08/12 4:16:00 PM #6
Yes, because your guys' topics are just so much better. If you hate them so much, why even bother reading or posting in them
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Why does RevolverSaro put fish in his pockets? RevolverSaro 04/08/12 4:14:00 PM #3
From my experience, cats don't fish THAT much
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic My best friend and I saw a mutual friend's father's profile on an dating site RevolverSaro 04/08/12 4:12:00 PM #4
Me too.
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic My best friend and I saw a mutual friend's father's profile on an dating site RevolverSaro 04/08/12 4:10:00 PM #1
should we tell the mom?
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic best speedrun ever [harvest moon] RevolverSaro 04/08/12 1:14:00 PM #6
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Gundam (and other mecha shows) topic V [Char] [Seed HD] [AGE][Unicorn][Marida] RevolverSaro 04/08/12 1:10:00 PM #53
twas a parody response. Pretty sure nearly everyone who posts regularly in this topic with the exception of Jeff watches AGE. Even Granzon, who asked
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic You guys have no sense of humor RevolverSaro 04/08/12 1:01:00 PM #33
not functions, per se. Just body parts
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic You guys have no sense of humor RevolverSaro 04/08/12 12:56:00 PM #31
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant.
"Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Total War Shogun 2 download is so large RevolverSaro 04/08/12 12:17:00 PM #3
Your lose bro. Shogun 2 is so good
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic You guys have no sense of humor RevolverSaro 04/07/12 10:55:00 PM #10
I made a corny joke about the female anatomy and odor, and got a 3KL for it
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic You guys have no sense of humor RevolverSaro 04/07/12 10:53:00 PM #5
That topic was a 3KL
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic You guys have no sense of humor RevolverSaro 04/07/12 10:51:00 PM #1
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic I didn't know things this cute existed RevolverSaro 04/07/12 10:28:00 PM #10
Ermine topic.
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic If I signed a year lease with 2 roommates, and I find a new place... RevolverSaro 04/07/12 10:27:00 PM #6
Your ass IS on the line. You're liable as long as there is a lease. Mind you might be able to get removed from the lease, but there will be an early termination fee.
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Gundam (and other mecha shows) topic V [Char] [Seed HD] [AGE][Unicorn][Marida] RevolverSaro 04/07/12 10:00:00 PM #50
Hmm Excellent point!
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic A tactical Pokemon rpg? ...wha? RevolverSaro 04/07/12 6:05:00 PM #2
It's actually nothing like Nobunaga's Ambition. Its NA in name only (and not even in the US)
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 35: Breaking News in Crunchyroll Anime RevolverSaro 04/07/12 6:03:00 PM #97
Ex2 posted... hmm.. new Lupin's art style... what to say about it... artsy, perhaps? It's pretty much exactly what an animated version of the Monkey Punch manga would look like. Pretty great episode. Can't wait to see more Zenigata
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic I'm out of date, what JRPG's have come out in the past year? RevolverSaro 04/07/12 12:55:00 PM #14
Dragon Quest X is a 2012 release
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic This is probably one of my VG songs RevolverSaro 04/07/12 12:52:00 PM #4
TLR does indeed have a pretty great soundtrack. Except for the battle themes >_>
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic This is probably one of my VG songs RevolverSaro 04/07/12 2:51:00 AM #1
VIDEO Shame that town is essentially optional
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic I Am a Changlorious Bastard. RevolverSaro 04/07/12 2:18:00 AM #4
VIDEO Shame they cut out leonard's interview
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Gundam (and other mecha shows) topic V [Char] [Seed HD] [AGE][Unicorn][Marida] RevolverSaro 04/06/12 9:42:00 PM #48
How come whenever I see the word "Gundam Astray", I think "Gundam Ashtray"
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic I Am a Changlorious Bastard. RevolverSaro 04/06/12 9:29:00 PM #3
Fantastic episode. One of my favorites for sure.
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic my gamestop is getting over ten copies of xenoblade RevolverSaro 04/06/12 4:41:00 PM #30
first off did you even ask about it? Yes, Yes I did. second off if you didn't care then you wouldn't be calling Gamestop a terrible company I don't care about this particular instance. I've pretty much become resigned to the fact that its a bad company third JUST CAUSE YOUR GAMESTOP SUCKS DOESN"T MEAN ALL OF THEM DO GOSH I'm aware. The one I went to is the best one in the area. And in any case, there is a 10:1 ratio of Bad Gamestops to good.
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic If I recently had an account get banned... RevolverSaro 04/06/12 3:15:00 PM #5
Thats strange, your IP Address for both should have been the same
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic my gamestop is getting over ten copies of xenoblade RevolverSaro 04/06/12 3:14:00 PM #22
Eh, I didn't care that much. It's something I'm used to when dealing with Gamestop. I have like a 20% success rate with getting those. Terrible company is terrible. The only reason I bought it there is because its the only store that is getting it
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic my gamestop is getting over ten copies of xenoblade RevolverSaro 04/06/12 3:07:00 PM #19
I was the only one who preordered a copy, according to them. No artbooks, despite the fact I preordered itwhen it came out. It probably went to a Senior Game Advisor or something
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Watch Cougar Town RevolverSaro 04/06/12 11:40:00 AM #3
I was going to point out Abed too
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic I hope you all have a better good friday than Jesus did RevolverSaro 04/06/12 11:03:00 AM #11
Hardly. You're abrasive and quite rude actually.
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic I hope you all have a better good friday than Jesus did RevolverSaro 04/06/12 10:59:00 AM #8
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
Topic I hope you all have a better good friday than Jesus did RevolverSaro 04/06/12 10:53:00 AM #4
This is neither intolerant nor insulting. This is sincere and jovial. And besides Sess, you're the last person who should stand as Board 8's moral compass.
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic I hope you all have a better good friday than Jesus did RevolverSaro 04/06/12 10:48:00 AM #1
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Let's talk about Dragon Quest VIII RevolverSaro 04/05/12 8:24:00 PM #7
I've played every Dragon Quest, here are my thoughts on it Pros: Fantastic world map Fantastic music Main plot is pretty cool Cons: I don't care for the main cast. Yangus and Trode were cool, everyone else not so much. Didn't care for for the subplots as much as I did other games in the series Menus added to the US version are not as good as the original version and add load times Don't care for alchemy. Some of my complaints about this were fixed in DQIX, but over all, I don't like weapon crafting systems Final boss design is the weakest since DQ1 Overall, there is a lot to like about it (it IS a Dragon Quest after all), but I just don't care for it as much as most of the other DQs
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Gundam (and other mecha shows) topic V [Char] [Seed HD] [AGE][Unicorn][Marida] RevolverSaro 04/05/12 8:02:00 PM #45
Too many lolis in AGE. Even the adults look like lolis
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic So there's a Kickstarter for a new Shadowrun game if you liked the original. RevolverSaro 04/05/12 12:50:00 PM #24
It's at almost 450k
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Gundam (and other mecha shows) topic V [Char] [Seed HD] [AGE][Unicorn][Marida] RevolverSaro 04/05/12 12:33:00 PM #40
oh god, that is how they pronounce it in the dub? How do they pronounce his last name, Ya-may-to? I'd laugh so hard if they did How do they pronounce some of the weirder names?
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Board 8 Corporation Gauntlet: Apple vs. Bank of America RevolverSaro 04/05/12 1:48:00 AM #9
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Oh man I just found all of my Neverwinter Nights 1 CDs from like ten years ago. RevolverSaro 04/05/12 1:44:00 AM #15
Yeah, it was pretty awesome. Much better than NWN2's
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Gundam (and other mecha shows) topic V [Char] [Seed HD] [AGE][Unicorn][Marida] RevolverSaro 04/05/12 1:00:00 AM #38
I've seen a lot of Seed (though from different points, not continuous) back when it was on TV and didn't like it back then. I hate most of the character designs. The mecha are pretty good though. In terms of modern Gundam, 00 and AGE are both streets ahead.
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Oh man I just found all of my Neverwinter Nights 1 CDs from like ten years ago. RevolverSaro 04/05/12 12:58:00 AM #13
Let's do a campaign sometime Anagram. I recently found my copy as well
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic So there's a Kickstarter for a new Shadowrun game if you liked the original. RevolverSaro 04/05/12 12:31:00 AM #19
330k! Pretty sure this game is being made, gents
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Gundam (and other mecha shows) topic V [Char] [Seed HD] [AGE][Unicorn][Marida] RevolverSaro 04/05/12 12:28:00 AM #36
yep. This show is at its best when it's just "Pew pew laserz". Whenever I see Athrun on scene, I have a bad feeling about it. Whenever I see Lacus on scene, doubly so. I know I'm in for a ****storm when Fllay is on screen.
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Gundam (and other mecha shows) topic V [Char] [Seed HD] [AGE][Unicorn][Marida] RevolverSaro 04/04/12 11:03:00 PM #34
This just in: Mwa and Cagalli are the best characters in Seed. However, unfortunately for Cagalli, she gets wrapped up in J-dorama
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Rank these Lonely Island songs RevolverSaro 04/04/12 9:02:00 PM #21
Natalie's rap is AWESOME
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic So there's a Kickstarter for a new Shadowrun game if you liked the original. RevolverSaro 04/04/12 9:00:00 PM #18
It's almost at 300k. Pretty sure this will hit 400k sometime this week
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 progress/impressions RevolverSaro 04/04/12 7:52:00 PM #16
Zaku II Level 4 + Instant Hero + Level 50 character (such as Char) = Everything is literally dead.
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Almost Xenoblade time once again RevolverSaro 04/04/12 7:51:00 PM #75
Articuno2001 posted... From: RevolverSaro | #064 Is this game going to be in stores Friday or Saturday GameStop exclusive. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they were only giving out copies for preorders only. You might want to order it from Nintendo's site. I have it preordered. I just want to know if I pick it up Friday or Saturday. I know its set to release on the 6th, but is that the sale date or just the shipping date.
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic To this day, the best birthday present I ever got was RevolverSaro 04/04/12 7:49:00 PM #1
My dad's collection of The Dark Tower novels, which I inherited on my nineteenth birthday. To this day, i still grin at that. Well played, dad. Well played
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
Topic Nobunaga's Ambition + Pokemon coming to US/Europe as "Pokemon Conquest" RevolverSaro 04/04/12 7:04:00 PM #22
Its a matter of brand recognition. I'm surprised they didn't change to something like Pokemon Dynasty Warriors: Tactics
"Don't freeze up girl, you're looking quite a sight." - Adam Ant. "Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man." - Larry Underwood
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