04/18/2023 02:38:50 AM
02:38 AM
Until there is an actual threat of being lost I really don't think I'd be considering another backup hosted here, like I said I wouldn't expect the place to just disappear at a moments notice anyhow.
But I can of course help you learn how to do just the same, personal databases are perfectly doable on your very own computer, if you learn up on SQL databases and just set-up a local server to boot it on.
As for my logging script I have that written in Python, technically I think all you need is the requests module, although BeautifulSoup helps process the html of course, and then whatever acceptable SQL connector for your python version, like MySQLdb or mysql.connector to connect to a database you store the info to. Of course also just keep in mind ethical web crawling best practices - GameFAQs was banning my IPs until I learned to declare my User-Agent info and headers, plus they had the courtesy to inform me to update my login method to just loading saved cookies instead of submitting post requests to their login form. Also be courteous and use time.sleep(#) between requests so you aren't burdening the site.
I suppose I could make a generalized version on github and maybe I'll get around to that but it wouldn't be soon with things I've got going on lately (babysitting niece, dealing with family, other work of mine, Anime North next month... experiencing a blackout lmao)