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Community » teddy241
They bringing the work from home to the office. I knew time ran out when coworker jamie would be wfh most of the week and you'd call him for work related call and he'd be like yeah hold on iv got people installing a water heater brb or some other random non work bs
I had an ex wife who for one valentines day booked the white castle candle light dinner bit. Was wild.

Now due to financial purposes I'm asexual. I can't afford to be attracted to anyone
I tried Shaun Ts program back when I was like 28. Dude had me ready to call an ambulance after my first session. I had a neighbor he ended up in the er from over doing it on the Shaun t
I love that movie. The 80s were magical
Survive and try to pay down cc debt
Spanish Cheese eh
What about when the gonzaga mens jet almost got taken out on the run way
There been too many close calls leading up to now. Im not surprised

Iv officially retired from flying this past January. Was my 8th and last trip to vegas
I'm out
Backstreet is back alright
Reminds me. I have coffee from papa new guinea I gotta try out
Lotta layoffs in i.t. idk how I'm hanging on tbh
I'm sure kevin fick is in Prison by now. Dude had some major issues and tbh I actually feel for the dude. He was always broke smelly and threatened kids if they didn't give him their lunch he'd punch the **** outta them
My favorite gym person is the middle aged man fresh off a divorce and is immediately trying to get a revenge body. They're usually overweight and have no idea how to work their muscles (cos they have none) so they're just going 100mph trying to push as much weight as possible trying to get a heart attack in the process.

Best gym advice I ever got was from Chris BeastMode Jones. "NO swinging, NO jerkin', just let the muscles do all the workin" that and he explains how you have to make love with the weights.
At this point I'd say Google probably knows more about me than myself.

Automate it all. You've got all my data stored up in them Google datacenters.
Dunkin. Krispy Kreme would glaze every dam donut id order.

But real talk if you can find a local ma/pa donut shop or pink box donut you're much better off.
Man. Cheeze Nipz is so ass

I just realized these are discontinued 5 years ago. Amen
Weve all lost any sense of privacy these days. They say the next 2-3 years we'll see some really big jumps in AI and it's just going to be heavily dominating out lives.

It was fun while it lasted. Il always enjoy the fact that I got to witness the early 90s of privacy. Now everything we say, type, do, etc is being recorded and used for ai purposes
Comedy is good for the soul
Bro if she got problems with this site... wait til she hear bout them other sites you be visiting
How am I supposed to drop a deuce when some guy outside the stall starts jiggling the handle
Sonic 1 chao garden was revolutionary. VMU virtual pet. Chao races
Nah I'm out.
FreezinIceKirby posted...
Funnily enough, I feel the opposite about those two. I always thought Sonic 2 was just the right length, whereas S3&K had stages that were a little too long and boring at times. With that said, it's been many years since I last played either one, so maybe I'm just misremembering things.
Sonic 2 is my go to. Love it.
Is he still doing that ****? That guy has to be old by now
My favorite call starts with I know it's not your fault but since I have you on the line... <insert insults, derogatory names, racial slurs, any other bs>
rexcrk posted...
I would so much rather be bored than stressed.

The days when I get barely any customers calling in to scream at me because of other peoples choices are a fucking blessing.
Amen, my brother.

People don't call to say how's your day? They call to rip you a new asshole
I remember the days of attending 4 christmas parties. Friends families etc.

Now the ex wife is on the other side of the country sleeping with some guy making 150k and I spent christmas at a casino
Urkel: Got any Cheeeeeeese?
Bought myself sonic origins plus on switch. Feels so good going back and playing Sonic 2.

Card games give you better odds. Bacaret they say is one of the better games to play from an odds perspective. The slots to me just provide more of that gateway drug/release i need along with a couple drinks. Idk i just find it entertaining
coyot posted...
Tc, what do you think of internet slots?
I Never want to touch them. I'm content with knowing once I leave the physical casino I can no longer gamble. The idea of gambling online on my phone or laptop 24/7 could spiral out of control.

ItIsSoOver posted...
It would be more accurate to say its like building wealth.
A lot of people only think you can do it if you're lucky, but most of the ones who actually do will tell you that its because they worked for it. For every lucky lotto winner, there are a hundred self made.
Cept it takes two to make it work. You could do everything right but if the other half isn't happy and wants out then the marriage is over
KingInBlack posted...
Marriage was invented several thousands of years ago as a partnership between families or two (or more) individuals. It was meant to easy burdens, share land, real socialist/communist stuff.

Along comes Christianity, which then corrupts what marriage is. Suddenly a man in the sky is involved and it's all religious.

We live in the year 2024, and we're above religion. Marriage is what it originally was, a way to ease burdens, which now include financial burdens. Religion has no place in modern society or marriage.
That seems pretty spot on. Toss in the impacts of social media.

If a chicken ain't happy with her man she can just post some thirst photos on the gram and get 10k likes
Marriage is like the lottery. The odds are against you but if your numbers hit it can be magical.

I was married and loved my wife. She loved me but she got tired of my lack of effort when it came to Financials. She ultimately left me cos I didn't pursue a better career.

Il never forget it. 1 week before Thanksgiving she basically dropped the bomb on me and said she was done. Not even willing to get counseling etc. She was flat out done. So we got the divorce and now she's living across the country probably banging some dude who makes 150k
Slizzity Slots. I'm a Slore.
I was up 500 and didn't leave. I put 400 back in then said dude take at least a 100 dollar profit and get the hell out of here.

So I did.


Iv got 72 hours pto remaining until August. Doesn't feel like much knowing iv had to work 4th of July, labor day, Thanksgiving, Christmas eve and soon to be new years day and memorial weekend.
shadowsword87 posted...
Wifi7 is up to 5Gbps.
And it's full duplex for the first time ever. I need microsoft to come out with a series x upgrade with wifi7
I think Seattle is the capital if defunding the police. It's too Chaotic
Wifi technology has come a long ways. I still prefer hard wire but the stuff i see coming out wifi wise and speeds is buck wild
Back in 1988 CBS gave this man a 1 hour prime time spot for Christmas At the Playhouse. He did not disappoint. They had so many stars apply to be guests that at some point pee wee had to turn them down. We're talking A-list celebrities. Just look at the celebrities that did make the cut. It was truly a Christmas spectacular.
Nice picks
Community » teddy241
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