Funnily enough, I feel the opposite about those two. I always thought Sonic 2 was just the right length, whereas S3&K had stages that were a little too long and boring at times. With that said, it's been many years since I last played either one, so maybe I'm just misremembering things.Sonic 2 is my go to. Love it.
I would so much rather be bored than stressed.Amen, my brother.
The days when I get barely any customers calling in to scream at me because of other peoples choices are a fucking blessing.
Tc, what do you think of internet slots?I Never want to touch them. I'm content with knowing once I leave the physical casino I can no longer gamble. The idea of gambling online on my phone or laptop 24/7 could spiral out of control.
It would be more accurate to say its like building wealth.Cept it takes two to make it work. You could do everything right but if the other half isn't happy and wants out then the marriage is over
A lot of people only think you can do it if you're lucky, but most of the ones who actually do will tell you that its because they worked for it. For every lucky lotto winner, there are a hundred self made.
Marriage was invented several thousands of years ago as a partnership between families or two (or more) individuals. It was meant to easy burdens, share land, real socialist/communist stuff.That seems pretty spot on. Toss in the impacts of social media.
Along comes Christianity, which then corrupts what marriage is. Suddenly a man in the sky is involved and it's all religious.
We live in the year 2024, and we're above religion. Marriage is what it originally was, a way to ease burdens, which now include financial burdens. Religion has no place in modern society or marriage.
Wifi7 is up to 5Gbps.And it's full duplex for the first time ever. I need microsoft to come out with a series x upgrade with wifi7