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Community » solafide
It's one of the greatest games of all time, in my opinion. Disappointed that the Remake is looking so lackluster. I'd just play the original if I were you, TC.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...

Would you be interested in playing, @HannibalBarca3? Been a little while since I've hopped on with you.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
I mean, if you and your friend don't want to actually play serious games with me, you could have just said something. I'm out. Have a good day.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
AceAttorneyist posted...
You seem to be playing better

We just have a better connection today, I think.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
AceAttorneyist posted...
I'll be around today

Im on now if you want to try again.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Im playing right now if anyone is available.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge

IRL Zero Suit Samus, is that you???!
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge

I was pleased with the KO I landed at around 2:40. Ike is a bland and, in my opinion, pretty braindead character, so it was oddly satisfying to land that spike on him.

It made up for the frustrating death I had when the Paralyzer gun, which I was CERTAIN would hit him, set me up to bury him, and then finish him off, just barely overshot his head while he was charging his up smash and led me to a death .
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
AceAttorneyist posted...
Maybe it's a proximity issue? I just did two of those 4 player FFA tournaments with items for fun and it barely lagged.

Could be. I'm in the Denver area. You and I have had matches before, including recently, that didn't suffer from exorbitant lag. Nintendo's internet is pretty strange and finicky, so who knows what's going on tonight.

I didn't have any problems in the Quickplay matches I played earlier today either. I have a great internet setup and use ethernet to minimize the chances of any internet problems on my end, but this game's internet is strange.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
It was okay. But it really should have been a lot better. The story was, predictably, ridiculous. I was also disappointed that, rather than close out the trilogy with a solid ending, they basically ended it on a cliffhanger that makes it feel like it isn't even a real "trilogy" with a satisfying ending.

The gameplay and music were pretty good. The worlds were alright, but they leaned too heavily on Pixar for my liking. I do admit the Pirates world was pretty awesome though.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
I died because of the awful connection too many times, with the last one being the worst of all (I successfully tech'd the up B into stage spike you were going for, and then the flip jump didn't come out even though I input it twice), so I'm done for now. I have to eat and do some grading now anyway.

I'll be online a little more regularly from now on. The semester is out, and I don't need to worry about teaching the college kids for a while. Have some down time to focus on writing, exercise, and, when there is some free time, some games of Smash.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
Alright maybe it's me. GGs, lmk if the connection improves

There was a very marginal improvement for like one or two games, but it reverted back to the bad connection after that. Thanks for trying to make it better though. The match that we played together was a very good signal, as usual, so I don't think it was either of us.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
I hate to complain about something like this, but this internet connection is unusually poor and is making tech read follow ups and combos much more difficult.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
AceAttorneyist posted...
I can play today


Maybe later. At the gym right now.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
AceAttorneyist posted...
Honestly I feel like I've gotten a lot better recently. I'm never really predicting what you're doing btw, the closest thing I do to that is a read on techs, DI or ledge trapping and even then I'm just trying very hard to mix up my options so you (hopefully) can't figure me out.

Could be. For my part, I'm also slightly out of practice. I went to a conference all weekend last weekend and since getting back I've been down and out with a very bad viral infection and then laryngitis. Yesterday was my first time getting back into the online for over a week, since my head was so unclear while I was really sick, so I might need to catch up or practice more to up my game for next time. Thanks for playing.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Thanks for playing. I admit that I feel a little disappointed because I think I usually do a little better playing against you. There were times where I just didn't understand why a decision I made didn't work out, or how you got the best of something I did that really shouldn't have been very predictable or that usually doesn't get punished easily.

But we'll play again, no doubt. Good matches.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
AceAttorneyist posted...

Hey there. I'm sorry, but it took me longer to get home than I had originally expected. I'm ready now if you are still up for it.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
AceAttorneyist posted...
Anyone wanna play today?

I can play in a few minutes
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
GGs my controller is almost out of battery.

Yeah, great games! Sorry for the delay. I moved out of our arena and into another friends arena once you left. I love our matches because I feel like we both do pretty well most of the time and keep each other on our toes. Lucario is also a fun character to play against, though the Aura mechanic can develop be really scary.

LonelyStoner posted...
The online connection for this game is a little too inconsistent for me to play it online. And I have fiber.

For me, its only inconsistent when I play people that have crap connections. I use Ethernet, have a very strong modem, and pay for good internet and I dont think my setup ever generates a lot of lag. Other people, on the other hand, might develop it in droves.

"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Room ID: 18JWQ
PW: 123
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Setting up the arena now
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Im playing now. If anyone is game for some matches, I can set up an arena.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
davyheinz posted...
People just using Discord now?

I've just been taking a break from Smash for the last week or so. Not totally by choice. I had a trip out of town to an academic conference from Friday to Sunday, and since getting back I've been fighting a bad flu. I don't feel like my head (or nose...) are clear right now so Smash hasn't been too fun the last couple of days. Once I get better I'll post about playing with someone in this thread again.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Just about to head out to church!
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
I ended up playing FFVII Rebirth last night. Sorry I missed you guys, but hopefully we can play together soon. @pojr will you be playing again today or tomorrow?
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
rideshort posted...
Ace and I are going to play soon. If anyone else wants to join, let me know.

I was at the gym and had to run some errands. Im only just now getting home again. If anyone is still playing, though, let me know!
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Wheres my girl, Zero Suit Samus?
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
pojr posted...
Lol it's okay. I randomly posted an arena to see if anyone would catch it. Not the normal etiquette, usually we ask first.

I may be on later today.

Wanna play now?
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
pojr posted...
Let's play some smash. K19H0 / 69.


Edit 2: Alright, made another one. BM370 / 69

Sorry bro. I'd have played but did not see that anyone posted in this thread. Will you be on today?
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...

By the way, if I had to choose, I think your nicest KO of the night was a really well-placed offstage neutral B with Lucario. It was excellently placed and caught me off guard.

My favorite and best KO of the night, I think, was one of those down air KOs with ZSS at PS2. I remember landing that one that won me the match suddenly, even though I was slightly behind. You were recovering under me and I went for it. I also landed a non-suicide dair that killed you while you were wall clinging! Crazy stuff.

"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
GGs, that was a great time. Seeing Isabelle's umbrella clank with Seph's sword is so fucking stupid but it works in this game lmao.

Isabelle is admittedly a tough cookie for me, mostly because Im not sure how to deal with that projectile move and I get hit by her command grab a little too often. I need to do a lot of dusting off of my Sephiroth. I think Ive been so focused on practicing with ZSS in Elite Smash that Ive failed to use my secondaries very much. I got a little better with him the more matches we played though.

It always shocks me how fast Marth is. His range and damage output are terrifying. Had some trouble with those matches, though I think I was using my lower level secondary characters when your Marth was out.

That's pretty awesome. I'm more into the military side of things so I know Xenophon from his writings on the march of the mercenaries of Kyros the Younger, his military writings on horsemanship and other things, and the Cyropaedia. But Ancient Greek philosophy sounds cool from what I've read on it.

Sadly, my military history is very spotty since I focus on political history and political philosophy. Im sure everything Xenophon says is pretty valuable though. Ill draw up a Syllabus thatll focus more on the bigger names in classical political philosophy, like Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and Augustine.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Im burned out! Starting to make some silly mistakes. Still, great games though Hannibal, as always! Thanks for playing. Really enjoyed our matches, especially the earliest ones with ZSS and Lucario. Some cool KOs on both sides.

By the way, have I told you that next semester Ill be teaching a Classical Political Philosophy class? Thought youd be interested in that given that you have the gamertag Xenophon.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
Alright. Let me get something to drink real quick and sync up my pro controller since I've been using that to play Dragon Dogma 2 on the pc.

You should be free to join without an Arena ID, since we are in each others friends list. But just in case:

PW: 123
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
I haven't played Elite in years lol. I usually just play with people here since we've been doing this for a few years now. I used to go to locals but I stopped going to them.

But daddy brings up a good point, I've never touched smash 4 but watching streamers play it during it's last week the system did look better than Ults.

Also I can play rn

Cool! I actually just got home and can play if your down. Just let me know and I can make a room.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
I mostly just lurk this thread lol. I'm usually down if someone is down to play, I was just finishing somethings around the house, but I think rideshort has a discord since he's invited his discord friends to play before.

Yeah, it was my fault. I posted and when you were ready after thirty minutes I was needing to wind down for the night and accomplish other things. Its okay though. Im sure well find some time soon, maybe this evening or over the weekend.

Focusing on Elite Smash probably isnt good for my soul lol
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
I can play in 30 minutes.

Id have liked to have played if you could have played earlier, but at this point Ive been on Elite Smash playing for around an hour and twenty minutes and should probably stop to make dinner.

Would there be a better and more reliable way of reaching out to you besides posting in this thread and hoping you see it? Do we have a CE Smash Discord or Signal channel, or something else like that?
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Im playing now if anyones game
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
Another bump just in case.

I would have been interested in playing with you again this last weekend, but I was traveling and out of town. We'll definitely have to play again soon.

pojr posted...
I'm gonna bump too.

It's late, but does anyone want to play?

Too late for me tonight, but like @HannibalBarca3 I might be able to play tomorrow or some other day this week.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
I wear briefs, but they are not always white and they are a sportier and skimpier cut than the big and unflattering full-cut kind that people usually dub "tighty whities." Calvin Klein's low-rise briefs, including the white ones, look great on my slim but muscular and lean body type. Boxers look awful and unsexy.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
I want to see Cloud be a guest character for SoulCalibur VII. He was supposed to be the guest for the PS2 version of SC2, but the deal fell through at the last minute and, since that time, there has not been a FF guest character. He'd fit the universe really well and be a lot of fun to play as. Noctis would have been my ideal FF pick for a SC slot, but his game is yesterday's news and not relevant anymore, so Cloud makes more sense.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
I can play right now for about 30 minutes

Fun matches Hannibal! Thanks for playing. Gotta go now, but well undoubtedly get to play again some other time soon.

Lucario v. ZSS is usually a nail biter.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
We play all the time and never have such signal dips. Any idea what the trouble could be?
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
I can play right now for about 30 minutes

Cool! I made a Battle Arena.

Arena ID: 39TXC
PW 123.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
I might be down for some today, I've been playing Dragon Dogma 2 for now.

Ankha posted...

Im playing now if one or both of you are down. Just doing Quickplay matches for now. Let me know if you are interested in playing so I can set up an arena.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Hope some people will be playing again sometime soon! Had some good matches on Quickplay last night, but Quickplay in general just seems less fun than CE battle arenas.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Ph.D. and M.A. in Political Science, B.A. in Government with a History minor.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Im off from teaching this week because it is Spring break, but it is still very chilly and there is even snow on the ground from our winter weather a few nights ago. Go figure
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
LonelyStoner posted...
The server connection is too garbage to play online. And I have fiber.

Working just fine for me, as it usually does. There was a new system update for the Switch when I turned it on though. Have you installed it? If not, that might be adversely affecting your signal.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Is anyone playing tonight?
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
HannibalBarca3 posted...
GGs. I played a little more than I wanted so I think this is a good ending point.

Great matches as always, man. It's always a blast playing with you. Same with you @JTilly.
"American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied."
-Calvin Coolidge
Community » solafide
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