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Community » ooger
I want this.
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The fight will be boring and rigged.

It is not worth spending time on.
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This signature is not political.
Dumpy Trumpy is a trashbag of a person.
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Vyrulisse posted...
What is a Butthole Sunner? lol
Getting sunburns on your butthole.
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If you liked the above, you might like the video below.
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leonkr41138 posted...
of course an all democrat jury will find him guilty fast
Or you know, anyone.
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cabcalloway1983 posted...
Just powered up the Trump campaign by a million bolts.
do you like felons?
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TMOG posted...
Absolutely not
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deupd_u posted...
Nah, I can't say anything without people bringing up 18 years of lore. It's an addiction
Congrats on 9 active posts.
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I think we should all have a party today.

I'll pull a SBIM and make a banner.
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What a wonderful day.
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Trumble posted...
On the other hand, we're yet to see a single argument why what Biden's doing is okay that doesn't resort to comparing him to someone who is nearly universally acknowledged as an utter piece of shit.
We're yet to see you acknowledge what anyone else is saying in this topic.

You're just shouting at the internet, bud.
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I don't trust people who hang out on 4chan on the regular in 2024.
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I'm seeing a ton of people i've tagged as Dumpy Trumpy fans for years pretend to care about Palestine.
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EPR-radar posted...
It was started by a shit stirrer to stir shit, and Trumble is joining in on that, enthusiastically.
Yep, that is my point.
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Trumble posted...
The discussion is about whether Biden actually has red lines and whether his stance is acceptable; not how it compares to any specific other person.

The title of the topic is "Not sure u guys realize how bad Israel is for Dems
Current Events", not "does Biden have a red line?"

Hence you are derailing the topic, Trumble.
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Trumble posted...
Trump would be fucking awful
He would be much worse.

Do you think diaper Donny would have even tried to build a port to get aid into Palestine?

Give me a fucking break.
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Trumble posted...
Got it. You know Biden's actions are indefensible and hence have to resort to deflecting to someone else rather than being able to offer any defence of Biden.

Please tell me how great Trump would be in this situation after watching this video knowing that he is beholden to a death cult.
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Southernfatman posted...
It's really just tankies and accelerationists who want Democrats to lose and they're low in numbers.
100000% true.
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Trumble posted...
^ You heard it here folks. The proof that Biden does actually have red lines, is the fact that Trump moved an embassy several years before either the current flare-up or Biden's presidency.

(Re post 19)
I guess Trumble doesn't understand that Trump would have made this situation way worse because he is beholden to evangelicals who are excited and happy for this war.
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Trumble posted...
His red line is defined as "whatever would be slightly worse than Israel are currently doing"; automatically adjusted any time Israel do something.

ooger posted...
People forget that Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.

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People forget that Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Trump does whatever evangelicals want, and evangelicals view war in israel as what will bring about Armageddon.
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Robot2600 posted...
colleges don't even have polling places on them for the students to vote.


I've voted at the local college polling location for well over a decade.
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bigblu89 posted...
It's miserable.

We have an "open space" office and they won't let us listen to our own music because we have to always be "on the ready" if we get a phone call.

Dude, that sounds awful.
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Imagine listening to regular ass radio In 2024.
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RetuenOfDevsman posted...
It speaks volumes that the federal government has been shutting down like once a decade and aside from the media shit storm you really can't tell when it does.

It gets jammed up literally every September through around Feb which affects all branches including all of the military and all contractors.

People need to stop voting in tea party goofballs who are hell bent on making everything run as shitty and slow as humanly possible.
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Solid_Sonic posted...
If I remember to come back to this topic a little later maybe I'll try to post a version with the naughty words censored.
no thanks.
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I would if I had an Xbox series x 360 one box or whatever on earth the new one is called.
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This signature is not political.
Vyrulisse posted...
It has gotten moreso since Trump. We call them Election Tourists and they aren't welcome in most places. Moderation happens but they are lazy and since Hiro doesn't take nearly as much of an active hand in the operation of the site as Moot did it's kinda run away to be honest.
I am not shocked that you hang out there on the regular.
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Ah yes. The ones that would use the programs the most.
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Now there are four Tails82x accounts.
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Three posters say "yes".

One poster is Tails82x.
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Most of the world will correctly view this as a hopeful story.

I am betting the GOP crowd will be shocked and frightened by this story.

You can sort of bury these things, and for a lot of my teenage years, it was often feeling like it wanted to burst through, Black, who uses they/them and she/her pronouns, told NBC News. But it was also something that I just didnt talk about with almost anybody.

Black learned not to talk about their gender identity, or anything private for that matter, from a young age.
They write in their memoir, released earlier this month, that their father who founded what is thought to be the internets first neo-Nazi website, Stormfront taught them that the notion of privacy was absurd.

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lol, no.
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Vicious_Dios posted...
Nice tc.

I'm still undecided on who I want to vote for myself.

ooger posted...

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On_The_Edge posted...
I think he is the better candidate. But no matter who wins, I love all Americans!
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Kain_Highwind posted...
People had stimulus and extended unemployment checks coming in every week four years ago
not me.
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Revelation34 posted...
Yes. Latest Tucker Carlson video has 945K views therefore it must be good.

Well, we know you're at least 10 of those views.
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darkace77450 posted...
You can tell it's low quality because it has 5.2 million views in 7 days and has been picked up by major news outlets.

LOL, exactly.
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Hold up.

Is the logo really based on Trump's mugshot?


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This signature is not political.
Baron_Ox posted...
Encino Man
Runner up, biodome.
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C_Pain is a fan of MTG (bigfoot Barbie, not the card game), so their opinions can be safely ignored.
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Revel is a Trumpy guy. They don't do nuance.
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bfslick50 posted...
Yikes. This is why concerns in this topic arent overblown. If you only trust the results when you win then you dont want to be in a democracy.

The GOP doesn't want to be in a democracy.

The GOP now fetishizes authoritarians.
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