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I hope not. But I bet Trump will try
It's crazy how stuff like this is possible
I hate that man so much. He's such a piece of shit
ItsNotA2Mer posted...
Oh, snap, (no pun intended). Didn't realize she was that powerful now.
I don't think she has actual super powers. But she's managed to use her government power to achieve mighty things. Like someone said, she's like an evil Nick Fury now I guess
They should, but they probably won't. Usually an idea this cool never gets implemented cause people in power like to be boring
AceMos posted...
I haven't actually read the event yet. But Amanda Waller if I heard right, found a way to remove super powers from people I think. I'm not sure on the details. But she's become a threat
ItsNotA2Mer posted...
In the comics she is. She's the main villain of the current event going on. Absolute Power. She destroyed the Justice League apparently
Sounds like he's not so good a guy.
I feel bad for Palestinian Americans. Imagine seeing the man responsible for murdering your relatives, talking to Congress in the news. They must feel so betrayed by the government
Inspired by Link from the 1980s Zelda cartoon

Well excuuuuuuse me, slime!
I want to believe there are more non sexist racist people than sexist racist people, in America

Also I think some Republicans might end up secretly voting Kamala for fear of Project 2025. I don't think every republican wants it to happen.
Damn ancient bastards
I think it will be it's own seperate Olympics. I don't think they will be part of the normal Olympics. We will have the

Summer Games
Winter Games
E Games

As long as they don't mix gamers with athletes, I don't give a shit what they do
Hasn't he appeared on camera since he dropped out of the election? I saw a picture of him holding up Kamala's arm that I thought was taken when he endorsed her
Trumble posted...
No. He wasn't going if Biden won, he isn't going if Kamala wins, he's certianly not going if Trump wins. He might get some fines that sound big to us but are nothing to him, but that'll be the most that happens, unfortunately.
They should take Mara Lago from him
The Batman Who Laughs is a Bruce Wayne who succumbed to Joker toxins and lost his sanity. Joker in that universe is dead thoughm but Batman Who Laughs left his world and is a multiverse threat now

White Knight is an elseworlds story where Joker becomes sane and a hero
I like it. Kinda makes me think of this
I always wonder what tribes like that are thinking when they see a plane go over their territory
Even if the resort is safe, you still have to get from the airport to the resort. Never know what can happen on the road. And you never know for sure that nobody will break into the resort

I don't know what's going on in Jamaica, but I wouldn't go anywhere the US government warns me not to go
If they overturn it and ban gay marriage, what happens to the people already married?
Is this is his final alt?
It might be the most insane cop shooting I've ever seen.
America better not fuck this up
CNN is showing her first rally right now. Pretty sure she's running
I don't know why this turned into such a big deal
How humiliating to get scolded by Lauren Boebart
I usually can eat 4 slices
ReturnOfDevsman posted...
No way I'm gonna load a video on AT&T's shitty 4G. Fortunately, Harley being in it tells me everything I need to know.
She acts nothing like the Harley in the hbo cartoon or the suicide squad movies. She doesn't even act like the Harley in the 90s Batman cartoon. This is a realistic take on the character. Its not edgy or full of meme humor. Did you see the original Joker movie?
ReturnOfDevsman posted...
I'm out
This Harley is very different. I'm guessing you didn't watch the trailer.
I know the video I posted just shows playing for prizes. But isn't there also pachinko played for money?
I'd do what Superman did once in the comics and declare I am abandoning my US citizenship. I no longer represent US interests. Then, I'd just go around the planet stopping people who commit atrocities. No matter what country they are representing. Nobody would be off limits

In 2004 I went to Japan and one time I got to go inside a Pachinko parlor with a Japanese person who was showing me and the people I was with what it's like. I didn't actually play though. It looks more interesting than slots though. I don't know if they do Pachinko in other parts of Asia, but it seems to be non existent in places like Europe and North America

I bet Americans would play if it was introduced here
OTobs posted...
This is literally the only place Ive heard anyone talking about it. It sounds like just nonsense ideas that no one is taking seriously.
Documentary produced by a news network in Australia
Mario Golf on GBC

I've never played the GBA one. So I can't compare them. But of games I've played, GBC Mario Golf is my all time favorite sports game
We also need to have federal ranked choice voting. A few states have it on the local level.
Tanthalas posted...
I thought this was a joke topic about a different Shapiro. >_>
I bet at least half the people who talk this talk, would chicken out when the time actually came to lay down their lives for Trump
Good. She is already an improvement
I liked the one made in the 90s
ClayGuida posted...
Was that what started it? Christ. I remember it was about him on a boat asking about a battery then the captain saying that's the smartest question he'd ever heard.

I hate that I know anything about this turd. Fuck him for doing this.
Well Trump CLAIMS the captain said it was a smart question. That probably didn't happen
He will keep trying as long as he lives. If he makes it to 90, he'll still be trying to get back in the white house
Hopefully he's richer than Elon Musk
Isn't the nerdy male friend a Republican? Maybe him

Btw there was a similar dub for Crayon Shin Chan. I think they only did one season (in Japan it has like a thousand seasons. It's like Japan's Simpsons I think)

But the stuff they dubbed is pretty funny
kind9 posted...
Strategy games other than RTS. It's the learning curve that intimidates me and puts me off every time.
This. War game simulations and "Grand Strategy" games. I wish I could wrap my brain around them. I used to play Rome Total War. And the 2nd Medieval Total War

But I was never as good as I wished. And those are 2 of the easier grand strategy games
Works as a sequel to this
That game deserves a remake
I hope it is a winning move for Dems

I really don't want to live in fascist America
There seems to be a caravan every US election. Almost makes me wonder if Republicans organize them
I suppose few people get to die doing what they love. I hope he felt no pain
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