Community > XenobladeX


Poll of the Day Remove any word from a movie title and replace it with Diddy. 31 01/15, 04:54am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Movies about business? 33 01/14, 10:36am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day I tested positive for Covid 28 01/09, 10:26pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Can somebody explain what the theme is behind This Is America by Donald Glover? 9 01/07, 01:14pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day How come hearing aids aren't automatically covered by insurance? 8 12/31/2024, 07:59am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day TIL the British Museum pretty much stole other people's stuff 26 12/31/2024, 02:31am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day This site used to be a lot meaner 33 12/29/2024, 12:30am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Whatever your salary is, you actually make $10,000 less cuz of taxes 36 12/25/2024, 02:32am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day What would you do if you caught somebody stealing your underpants? 16 12/23/2024, 10:59pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Have you ever had an account banned/suspended? 24 12/21/2024, 03:58am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Castle of Cagliostro is the greatest Studio Ghibli movie ever 19 12/17/2024, 05:07pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day I once seen a video with a Japanese girl holding a "free boobs" sign 14 12/17/2024, 01:24am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Do you celebrate Christmas? 42 12/12/2024, 08:11am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day 28 Days Later doesn't make any sense (spoilers) 8 12/12/2024, 12:38am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Sign here if you've ever been ignored/blocked 53 12/11/2024, 10:16pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Would you vote for MTG? 18 12/05/2024, 09:46pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Have you ever seen a dead body? 41 12/02/2024, 03:45am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Tulsa King and Severance are the two greatest shows on tv right now 6 11/28/2024, 11:30am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Is it true that old school Japan was more accepting of foreign visitors? 20 11/28/2024, 12:26am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Santa is a perverted creep 11 11/26/2024, 07:56pm 0 + 0