It isn't free or easy to get an ID in the US so becomes a barrier that would (and does) keep low-income individuals from voting.
My guess is that the wide variety of transphobic opinions they hold make them transphobic, but is not wanting to date someone who is transgender, transphobic? I'm not sure, but I don't have my heels dug in on this.
porn is free
Pretty fucking annoyed. I was looking for a new high-speed oscillating fan to take with me and use at work; this site did not help in the slightest.
stevie wonder is not blind
I had a job once where I had to basically cold call people asking how their dog is doing in attempt to sell them shit for that dog despite the fact that I was fully aware that the dog was dead, so yes.
Even if Biden missed the ballot altogether, he'd still win the popular vote by 10 million.
Chubby hubby
His show was literally one of the greatest shows ever